Each one of us romanticizes the moment in our personal history when we were initially invited to transform a blank page into a kaleidoscopic representation of our boundless imagination. It was the very life of life, wasn’t it? The crayon carte blanche of our childhood – and our willingness to simply just dissolve into the divine artistic process – is of particular interest to the founders of Anne’s International School of Art (AISoA). Anne Juul Christophersen and Jesper Christophersen have decided that our happy-go-lucky, whistle-while-we-draw-stick-figure former kiddie selves better scooch over, because they’re not the only ones who deserve a direct line to inner creative zen.
AISoA believes that it’s important to stop and think about what you really want to do with the time you have. Isn’t it high time that you finally focus on your own needs by nurturing your creative soul?
In our childhood years, engaging in the artistic process provided us with such a pure form of happiness that holographic sprites gracefully cartwheeled off the tips of our eyelashes so they could bask in the radiance of our joyful aura. Anne’s International School of Art is determined to summon those sacred entities once again! Interested in reconnecting with your first and forever soul mate…your blazing creative life force? AISoA is offering anyone who has an ember of artistic desire absolutely all of the obstacle-free tools necessary to stoke a raging fire within. Anne Juul Christophersen and Jesper Christophersen have designed an astonishingly affordable, highly accessable art education antidote that will permanently silence all “I can’t” adulthood protestations. By the end of this interview, the only thing that you’ll feel compelled to ebulliently proclaim is, “I can’t afford to let this golden opportunity pass!”
Anne’s International School of Art exists to offer educational accessibility and support to our students. Learning with us is 100% customizable! We encourage members to explore the vast creative spectrum by experimenting with styles, techniques and mediums in order to determine what resonates with them the most.
Exclusive Interview With Anne’s International School of Art Producer/Content Writer Natalia Joruk
Why is pursuing creativity so universally appealing?
Wanting to be creative is a human instinct. It doesn’t have to be about experiencing life-altering “eureka” moments or producing Rembrandt-caliber paintings. Even when we grow older, the urge to create is still within all of us. Whether through writing, dancing, garden design, or visual art, finding the right creative pursuit that clicks with a person should be fun, fulfilling, and support emotional well-being.
Daring to try is the first step in discovering what form of creative expression will really make you happy. Anne’s International School of Art is here to help you develop your unique creativity.
Does expressing oneself artistically seem like more of a necessity these days?
We [at Anne’s International School of Art (AISoA)] are fully aware of the toll that modern life can take on our emotional health. We’re often so tense and rushed – moving from task to task – and then we eat, sleep, and repeat. Creating art, in your own style and preferred techniques, can be a wonderful way to find a place of peace away from everyday stresses. And we’re here to help with that! To start, those who sign up for our newsletter will automatically receive our free e-book: Time to be Creative. It’s meant to motivate and inspire readers to move from the contemplation stage directly into artistic action.

What key fears prevent people from realizing their creative desires?
The one key fear is: “Do I have time for it?” Balancing work, personal relationships, family, domestic responsibilities, and even a social life is challenging enough. Sometimes, finding extra time to focus on ourselves seems impossible.
AISoA believes that it’s important to stop and think about what you really want to do with the time you have. Isn’t it high time that you finally focus on your own needs by nurturing your creative soul?
Making just a little room in your life for creative expression – whether that’s every day, week, or month – will boost your inner joy. And isn’t being happy what life is all about?
Being an artist can be a lonely path and we want to change that. We are deeply committed to building a welcoming community in which members feel comfortable communicating and building relationships with each other.
The internet is an empowering resource for those who want to develop new skills or take their talents to the next level. Can enrolling in an online art school propel one’s creative goals much further than just taking a do-it-yourself approach?
There’s nothing wrong with a complete do-it-yourself approach. One of the founders of Anne’s International School of Art, Anne Juul Christophersen, and many of our tutors have done that! It’s a hard and often lonely path, though, which makes little sense in this day and age.
The challenging part for many is being able to actually create what they imagine in their mind, or even finding the artistic style that is most reflective of their personality. That’s where an online art school can propel one’s creative goals further – and certainly quicker – than solely through trial and error.
While we offer guidance and inspiration to those who want to take their art aspirations to a higher level, if members gain more self-confidence and even self-love, that is still a valuable outcome!
Everyone who attends Anne’s International School of Art can take any or all of the classes that you offer. Would an established artist be just as inspired by your tutorials as a novice?
We firmly believe that there is always something new to learn and try, even if you’ve been an artist for many decades. Regardless of a student’s background and skill level, our broad variety of courses and tutorials work for everyone. Members can pick and choose what they want to focus on at any time.
Even with her decades of training and experience, Anne herself has obtained even more creative inspiration from the courses and tutorials offered by the teachers at her school. She’s cultivated her skills and unique art universe to such an extent that she has a waiting list for her paintings!
So, being a 100% creative newbie is actually encouraged?
Yes! Beginners can access various creative techniques that will help them to shape their art. Our many foundational lessons span classical drawing, mixed media art, oils, watercolours, digital art, sculpting with clay, printmaking, with new tutorials added every month. AISoA is designed to help members explore, learn, experiment, and develop their own identity as an artist.

Kylie Dexter

Unlike some art schools – which require a portfolio review prior to gaining entrance – Anne’s International School of Art is accessible to all, regardless of their artistic background. Why is this such an important aspect of your business plan?
Because we know everyone has the ability to be creative and gain joy and fulfilment from creating art. And we want to be accessible and help everyone to have this opportunity.
No matter where a student lives, our school – open to everyone – provides 24-hour online access to artistic training, advice and support. That includes those who have never picked up a pencil/paintbrush before, as well as professional artists looking more for business advice or new inspiration and ideas. We help people from all walks of life expand their knowledge and artistic abilities. This automatically lays the groundwork for fun, natural stress relief, and fulfillment.
We firmly believe that there is always something new to learn and try, even if you’ve been an artist for many decades. Regardless of a student’s background and skill level, our broad variety of courses and tutorials work for everyone.
Just how customizable is each student’s creative education?
Learning with us is 100% customizable! We encourage members to explore the vast creative spectrum by experimenting with styles, techniques and mediums in order to determine what resonates with them the most. AISoA’s students can peruse our entire continually expanding library of tutorials and study whichever artistic topics appeal to them that day.
Are your classes geared more toward fine art side of creativity…the arts/crafts side…or a little of both?
Definitely both. You can see what members can enjoy here: https://www.annesartschool.com/what-you-get/

What are the greatest benefits of becoming a member of Anne’s International School of Art?
Our pre-recorded, online tutorials – with small assignments to encourage practice – are available to all our members 24/7. We do not provide coursework or exams which will be marked. The flexibility and accessibility of our tutorials enables students to learn when it best suits their schedule and, furthermore, they can work at their own pace. Additionally, our Members Forum provides students with real-life support from their peers and tutors.
Can all students – regardless of their background and skills – expect that their creative efforts will result in much more than just tangible artwork?
Ultimately, it is up to the individual to put the effort into learning, practicing, and exploring what they want to achieve in their own art. However, through our tutorials and our lively members forum, we provide the information, encouragement and support to keep going.
All we want is for people to enjoy art, learn, and grow!
We help people from all walks of life expand their knowledge and artistic abilities. No matter where a student lives, our school – open to everyone – provides 24-hour online access to artistic training, advice and support.
You offer a no-excuses approach to art education via three price models that are extremely reasonable. Your six-month all-access plan, for example, costs US$5.50 per week with no restrictions. The financial accessibility of AISoA is matched by the flexibility that you extend to students via zero tiers/limitations/penalties and even a sweat-free cancellation policy. Does your facility exist mainly to offer people a life enhancement tool?
That is it in a nutshell. Anne’s International School of Art exists to offer educational accessibility and support to our students. Rather than paying for each individual tutorial/course – which can quickly get expensive – we charge one flat membership fee. There are no tiers or hidden prices. Members can peruse our entire library of pre-recorded tutorials, view them at their convenience, and even watch them over again. An internet connection is the only prerequisite.
Ultimately, though we encourage those who want to be a professional artist to reach those goals (and we will help you to achieve that), Anne and Jesper’s philosophy is that you should be doing it because you love art and the creative journey, as well!
Creating art, in your own style and preferred techniques, can be a wonderful way to find a place of peace away from everyday stresses. And we’re here to help with that!
Outside of tuition, are there any additional expenses that students at Anne’s International School of Art should expect to pay? Can members use their own art supplies?
With our ethos of accessibility, we encourage members to use their own art supplies. In some cases, tutors will mention their preferred brands, but members aren’t required to purchase new, expensive materials. Basic supplies that are probably already in one’s household – such as paints, brushes, pencils, etc. – will often work well.
How does your school ensure that its 100% online art program is as effective as an in-person experience?
Being an artist can be a lonely path and we want to change that. We offer an exclusive Members Forum that enables creatives to introduce themselves, share their journeys/experiences, ask questions throughout their creative process, give/receive constructive feedback, and celebrate finished artwork, of course!
Our moderators help answer questions and oversee all activity to ensure that our members benefit from a safe and positive environment. We are deeply committed to building a welcoming community in which members feel comfortable communicating and building relationships with each other.
The challenging part for many is being able to actually create what they imagine in their mind, or even finding the artistic style that is most reflective of their personality. That’s where an online art school can propel one’s creative goals further – and certainly quicker – than solely through trial and error.

Why is receiving artistic feedback from others so important for creative growth?
In art, there is never just one truth: no definite rights or wrongs. It’s always advantageous to get many different eyes looking at your work because each person will interpret it differently. Our Members Forum is a safe, constructive space to share your artwork; internet trolls will not be waiting in the wings.
Receiving feedback from others is priceless because it enables our members to decide what really makes them tick. Figuring out which skills to develop becomes even clearer. Furthermore, with that kind of communication, you’re able to learn precisely what you want to express in your art and how to accomplish it.
Everyone’s artistic goals are unique, as they should be. And creative expression isn’t just about selling your art or becoming an “art rockstar”. While we offer guidance and inspiration to those who want to take their art aspirations to a higher level, if members gain more self-confidence and even self-love, that is still a valuable outcome! Loving the creative journey – and artists supporting each other – are key aspects of Anne and Jesper’s philosophy.
Wanting to be creative is a human instinct. It doesn’t have to be about experiencing life-altering “eureka” moments or producing Rembrandt-caliber paintings.
How does your feedback system work? Can students expect to receive feedback within one business week?
Oh yes! Our Members Forum, which encourages peer support and networking, is designed to operate in the same manner as a real-life discussion group. It is a benefit extended to everyone as part of their flat membership fee; there’s no extra cost.
Our group of moderators check in daily to monitor the community so that it always remains a safe and positive space for members. They ensure that all posts/replies are constructive, respectful, and all questions are addressed with helpful answers. Anne herself is also a moderator; getting to know our members personally is really important to her.
How can those who are insecure about their creativity muster up the courage to share their efforts with your community?
In AISoA’s Members Forum, there’s no such thing as a stupid question or stupid answer. All posts are met with love and constructive responses. Reading and following what others share in our forum will quickly help those who are unsure to let their guard down. We’re all here to learn from each other and grow.

Are all your instructors formally educated in the arts? What makes them qualified to teach in your school?
Anne’s International School of Art isn’t about elitism; we embrace inclusivity and care about sharing knowledge effectively. Self-taught artists – as well as formally trained artists/teachers – each offer tremendous educational value to our members. Our focus is on the high level of skill that each tutor has in their chosen field(s) of art and their ability to effectively share their knowledge in video tutorials.
Each of our educators’ portfolios are personally reviewed by AISoA founders, Anne Juul and Jesper Christophersen. They are then asked to create demo videos to show how well they can teach while they are recording themselves. Only those who pass both steps qualify as a content creators.
Making just a little room in your life for creative expression – whether that’s every day, week, or month – will boost your inner joy. And isn’t being happy what life is all about?
Sometimes the inner voice that nags at us during quiet moments doesn’t serve us so well. What would you say to the person who worries that they aren’t ‘good enough’ to attend your school?
Daring to try is the first step in discovering what form of creative expression will really make you happy. See how Anne’s International School of Art will help you to grow, both in confidence and your own art. You are free to use our resources in whatever way best suits you and your personal goals, whether that’s viewing our tutorials in your own time/keeping to yourself or asking as many questions as you like in our Members Forum. There is no pressure to share your own art or network with other members. If the community aspect of our school doesn’t appeal to you, you don’t have to use it.
As I said earlier, I believe that being creative makes humans happy. We’re here to help you develop your unique creativity. Because we can all do with a bit more happiness!
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