Quick Q & A: How do you balance your personal life with your art career while ensuring a healthy work/life balance?
The Quick Q & A editorial in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is a much loved regular feature, in which…
November 25, 2023The Quick Q & A editorial in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is a much loved regular feature, in which…
November 25, 2023Haven Gallery invokes the dreamer in all of us with new exhibitions by Katie Gamb, Erika Sanada, Flor…
September 28, 2023Issue 42 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with Eric Fortune‘s enigmatic painting, “A Want To Believe”, on the cover…
September 1, 2023Bewitched and bewilder, step out of the shadows and into the half-light where imagination blooms in secret gardens…
August 26, 2023Excerpt from Issue 40 // March 2023 Quick Q & A editorial: Yousuke Kawashima, Kim Anderson [Honourable Mention, 2022…
July 22, 2023Join Haven Gallery Saturday, July 22nd for the opening celebration of solo exhibitions by Jesús Aguado, Phoenix Chan,…
July 20, 2023Gaze out to the weekend horizon where fantasy and mystical ideations unfold like pages of a story your…
June 15, 2023Excerpt from Issue 39 // December 2022 Quick Q & A editorial: Kristen Egan, Jenni Pasanen, Elizabeth Blair…
June 14, 2023The 10th Anniversary, Issue 41 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with Michael Parkes’ enchanting, magical realism painting “Sophia Rose”…
June 1, 2023The 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is now open for entries! Would you like the chance to win…
May 31, 2023Excerpt from Issue 38 // September 2022 Quick Q & A editorial: Artists Yayu, Kseniia Boko, Robert Duxbury, Ema Shin, Luis Toledo…
May 26, 2023Journey into imagination, to a place where reason need not apply and inspiration spills from an overflowing cup…
May 12, 2023Self-taught artist and part-time algebra and AP calculus teacher, Jhina Alvarado paints a scene in bloom with dreamlike…
May 11, 2023Add it to your calendar or a put a sticky note on your vanity mirror – whatever reminder…
March 31, 2023Exclusive Interview with Hannah Flowers, 3rd Prize Winner of the Raymar Traditional Award, 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize
February 27, 2023What are you doing this weekend? Imagine a landscape where mermaids flutter with butterfly wings while endearing animal…
February 25, 2023Excerpt from Issue 37 // June 2022 Quick Q & A editorial: Artists Robin Whiteman, Ryan Pola, Nicolas…
January 16, 2023Excerpt from Issue 36 // March 2022 Quick Q & A editorial: Artists Jisu [Digital Art Award Winner,…
January 3, 2023Excerpt from Issue 35 // December 2021 Quick Q & A editorial: Artists Sandra Yagi, Evan Lovejoy, Ebony…
December 14, 2022Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s 14th curated exhibition, Halcyon Days, is currently on view at Modern Eden Gallery in San…
November 15, 2022Join the Beautiful Bizarre email list
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