Music speaks to us like a passage of energy…through harmony and balance it reaches deep within and, at times, expresses words upspoken, takes us back to a memory, or guides us with fortitude into the unknown of tomorrow. Music is a universal language of the soul; it is poetry of the heart and parallels visual art limitlessly. Join The Dark Art Emporium this weekend as they celebrate That’s What I Call Art About Music, a new group exhibition sure to pique your senses and fill you with inspiration.

Leftover Crack

Their Satanic Majesties’ Second Request
Art and music go together like peanut butter & jelly. Every album has to have cover art and many artists have been deeply influenced by the songs they listen to while creating. This collection of works is kind of all over the place. But what ties it all together is that each piece was created with music at the heart of its inspiration.
The Dark Art Emporium
Time travel and see all the previous exhibitions. To view available artworks, visit The Dark Art Emporium website! If you haven’t discovered The Art Pit DAE Podcast, now’s the time. The Jeremys (as in Jeremy Schott – Owner and Jeremy Cross – Assistant Director) discuss all things art, music, movies, and more. Episodes are available to stream using Soundcloud via The Dark Art Emporium website or their YouTube channel.

Angel Of Disease

Rolling Stones
That’s What I Call Art About Music
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 10, 2022 | 5-9pm
The Dark Art Emporium
121 W. 4th Street, Long Beach, California 90802
Friday & Saturday 12 – 7pm | Sunday 12 – 5pm
Located in Downtown Long Beach within The 4th Horseman
For additional information and purchase availability please contact [email protected]

Laud in the garden

The World Moves Around


Beating On Your Undeserving Eardrums

Bad Reputation

Jeff Hanneman