Welcome to the 47th issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with Soey Milk’s divine painting ‘Jakhodo’ on the cover.
The print magazine has sold out, but you can still download the digital magazine today!
Enjoy our Editor-in-Chief’s Note from the Editor, published in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Issue 47
I recently started reading Women Living Deliciously by Florence Given. In this wonderful book she discusses how our capitalist societies prioritise productivity and busyness: how many of us feel exhausted and burnt out from constantly chasing the next deadline; how we are all bombarded every day with advertising messages to consume more and more and more; and how this model hurts both mother earth and ourselves. She goes on to discuss the importance of getting off the hamster wheel and taking time to rest.
She suggests we need to carve out time in our everyday lives to pause, disconnect from work and our screens, and rediscover joy through play, silliness, adventure, and new experiences. I think many of us creatives can relate to this feeling… of constantly working, working, working – on the next commission, or exhibition, and having very little or no time to rest, to play, to experiment, to have fun exploring new materials, new tools, new methods and styles.
Many of us creatives can relate to this feeling… of constantly working, working, working – on the next commission, or exhibition, and having very little or no time to rest, to play, to experiment, to have fun exploring new materials, new tools, new methods and styles.

Give back to yourself
So, I challenge you to step out of the studio every day and let the sunshine onto your face, observe nature, plant your feet into the grass, take moments of quiet and stillness to calm your body and mind – let your imagination soar in this space you have created. Each week carve out time to give yourself the opportunity to have fun with the creative process. Choose a new medium, or new tool – if you are used to painting with a brush, why not try a palette knife? If you usually paint in oils – why not try gouache?
Each week carve out time to give yourself the opportunity to have fun with the creative process.
If you normally work in a tight fashion, try being looser and more gestural with your mark making. Or why not try a completely different subject – always paint the figure? Why not try a still life! Are you a 2D artist – why not play with the earth itself – clay?
Let this process be about fun, play, exploration, experimentation – with no pressure to share the work, or for it to be perfect. Put this time aside to rediscover the joy in the creative process. Making more time for rest and play will put you on the path to a more joyful delicious life!

Paracosmic Escape at Modern Eden Gallery
When you read this our exhibition Paracosmic Escape at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco will have come and gone, but you can still see all the exceptional work online via their website.
This exhibition also includes work by the incredible winners of this year’s Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. Our thanks once again to this year’s generous sponsors, including Palladium Sponsor Musonium Gallery who contributed to this exhibition via their art direction/theme conceptualisation. If you are looking to purchase artwork for yourself or your loved ones – please do take a peek at all the brilliant work in this exhibition. There is no better gift than the gift of original artwork!

As always at this time of year we are also seeking sponsors for next year’s Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. So, if you are a business or philanthropist that is passionate about the visual arts and you would like to give back to your community in a meaningful way, please reach out to us regarding how we can collaborate to bring real value to your brand and artists globally. Artists, mark your calendar – entries open on 10 February!
I know this year has been ‘a lot’ for many of us, so I wish you and yours a peaceful, joy filled 2025. Thank you, dear reader, for purchasing Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, and thus helping to encourage, promote and support our community of 1.9 million + creatives. It is through your readership that we are able to continue to fulfill our mission to champion artists from all corners of the globe. I hope you enjoy the read and find inspiration for your own practice and collections within the pages of this issue.
So until next time, I hope you enjoy reading this inspiring issue, and as always thank you for your support of our independent magazine! We couldn’t do it without you.
Much Love xo
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine