Savoring life’s simple pleasures – inhaling the soft floral essence emanating from a riot of blooms, relishing a slice of hot-out-of-the-oven sourdough bread slathered with butter, or merely just snuggling up with a good book and a cat – can vastly enrich our daily experience as well as our overall level of happiness. And yet art lovers, let’s just call it like it is – of all the humble joys available to us, nothing can quite compare to indulging in an absolutely scrumptious, hyper-saturated feast for the eyes! Arch Enemy Arts knows exactly what lifts our spirits – relentless tidal waves of color, color, and even MORE color – which is why their third annual Spectrum group exhibition is designed to deliver a rainbow of visual merriment that will inspire even the most down-in-the-dumps person to kick up their heels in celebration!

Oh color, how we love thee.🤩 Spectral pigment delivers a mood boost that lifts the soul in ways that modern medicine can’t possibly explain or come close to curing with questionable prescriptions. Think back to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when many of us were struggling to find alternate coping mechanisms. Twinkie binges! TikTok challenges! Wood whittling?!? Things seemed so bleak for such a long time that many of us had a greyscale perspective of the future. That’s when it occurred to Arch Enemy Arts’ founders Lawren Alice and Noah Musher that curating a group exhibition devoted entirely to the innate ocular pleasure of ROYGBIV spectrum-themed artwork was a rather brilliant idea.
Now in its third year, Arch Enemy Arts’ Spectrum group show – which showcases near monochromatic works of art that are collectively displayed as a massive technicolor rainbow – sounds as wonderful as it is! This year’s exhibition, featuring inspired contributions from 34 diverse new contemporary artists, is the drug-free prescription for the can’t seem to shake it blues that continue to plague so many of us in this ever-challenging period in history. You owe it to yourself to take this natural happy pill. Go ahead and taste the rainbow.
Spectrum 3 Group Exhibition
Curated by Lawren Alice
Release Date: Friday, September 9, 2022
Exhibition Dates: September 9, 2022 – October 9, 2022
* Opening Reception: Friday, October 7, 2022 | 5 – 9 pm (alongside three other shows!)
General Show Hours:
Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Arch Enemy Arts
109 Arch Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106 | (215) 717-7774
For sales or private viewing appointments, please email [email protected]

34 Exhibiting Artists
3rd Version, Alex Sugar, Alexis Savopoulus, Allison Reimold, Colete Martin, Danielle Schlunegger, Darla Jackson, Dewi Plass, Emily White, Erich Moffitt, Grelin Machin, Hallie Packard, J. Henry, Joe Vollan, Jon Ching, Katie Gamb, kEda Gomes, Lara Dann, Maryann Held, Michael Camarra, Michael Koehler, Michael Reedy, Nom Kinnear King, Olivia Rose, Paul Neberra, Paul Romano, Sea of Doom, Sean Hannaway, Shannon Taylor, Stephen Koharian, SV Williams, Vasilisa Romanenko, Veronica Jaeger, and Wiley Wallace.

About the Gallery //
Arch Enemy Arts was founded in 2012 and quickly established itself as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s freshest new venue dedicated to exhibiting emerging and established stateside and international artists. Located in Philly’s Old City District, the now decade old establishment showcases various types of edgy new contemporary art in a wide range of mediums including figurative, illustrative, dark surrealism, photorealism, macabre, narrative, pop surrealism, lowbrow, and urban. Arch Enemy Arts was chosen as the best exhibiting space in Philadelphia Magazine’s “Best of Philly”™ 40th Anniversary issue, as well as the “Best Art Gallery in Philadelphia” on Philly HotList in 2012 and 2013.