Excerpt from Issue 23 (December 2018) of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine // Elysian Fantasy Artistry was founded by Rachel Davis. She started creating wearable art after working many years in hair salons and feeling the need for a new creative outlet. Entirely self-taught, her couture-caliber costumery has continued to grow in technique and intricacy. Each piece that Rachel creates is entirely handmade utilizing globally sourced materials. She continues to push the evolution of her brand through creative experimentation.
Elysian Fantasy Artistry teams up with international photographers to create dynamic visual narratives that capture the spirit of her multi-dimensional art. Though creating is her passion, Rachel finds her ultimate fulfilment in being a mother. She is constantly inspired by her children and hopes they grow up to appreciate crafting things by hand, as well.

Imagine being a formally trained pastry chef employed by McDonald’s to create millions upon millions of their baked apple pies. Ho-boyy. At what point might you fantasize about preparing macarons, pavlovas and crème brûlée, instead? For quite a few years, Rachel Davis transformed the appearance of her various clients through conventional hair design and cosmetic flourishes. As time passed, though, she began feeling enslaved by the limiting nature of her profession. A nagging feeling simply wouldn’t relent: “How do I restore the mojo to my creative spirit?”

Rachel thought about the great joy that her younger self experienced while indulging in her favorite pastime – designing art wigs and headpieces. “Ooo heyyy…wait a minute…” she wondered. “Maybe I can build a viable business around those creative endeavors? Perhaps I can even throw in a little twist or two?” Given the weighty responsibility of providing for her five children, would taking such a risky leap of creative faith even be possible? After much deliberation, she arrived upon one crystal clear revelation. Success would simply have to be the only option.

Elysian Fantasy Artistry showcases the outer realms of Rachel Davis’ imagination. She melds her special effects makeup, hair, headpieces and costumery with Tara Van Rooyen’s magical photography and editing skills. Rachel, of course, sells her extraordinary accessories on Etsy. She and Tara also offer a dream-like imagery experience, including transformative makeup and wearable art. That collaboration results in sublime shots of sprite-like muses seemingly conjured with a swirl of early morning mist and undiluted Northern Lights. Dissolve into each of the fantastical flourishes and metamorphic mysteries that Elysian Fantasy Artistry manifests and the heaviness of 21st century living will quickly (and thankfully) go poof.
Image Credits: Tara Van Rooyen, Rachel Davis, @sonja_saur_photography, @lillianliuphotography, @elysian_fantasy_muse, @vrfineartimages, @abelinsane, Chelsea Brennan, @monikatapiador, @lierin, @trinity.sigmon, @implosions, @yafa.yom @sterliejackson, @kira_conley, @nicoleelaf, @lilscallywag_therealest, @sierraoliveira, Russel Albert Bedridge, @jeremydavisofficial, @rachel.marie.elysian, @cyndalmckay, @jeremydavisofficial, @posh_fairytale_couture, Lory Sun Artistry, Hysteria Machine, @monikatapiador, @_ladydots, @deviraven3, @taylornatashamua, @lauracervantes5031, @trinity.sigmon, @blakey.mx3, @gracealmera