
Buddy Nestor “The Devil’s Doorbell” @ The Dark Art Emporium

It’s been a bumpy ride, full of fear and uncertainties, but we can amplify the positive by staying connected through artistic expression, our joys, and to that which feeds our soul. So be sure to join The Dark Art Emporium as they send off this challenging year with “The Devil’s Doorbell”, an exiting new solo exhibition by Buddy Nestor! His abstract portraits are intense and his creative interpretations bind the unpredictable and emotional in equal counterpart.

To schedule a private visit to DAE, contact them directly or view their appointment’s page. If you’re not in the area, don’t miss their wonderful virtual tours!

The holidays are upon us, so if you’re looking to add to your budding art collection be sure to view all available artworks by visiting the The Dark Art Emporium online store! If you haven’t discovered The Art Pit DAE Podcast, now’s the time. The Jeremys (as in Jeremy Schott – Owner and Jeremy Cross – Assistant Director) discuss all things art, music, movies, and so much more. You can also stream episodes using Soundcloud via The Dark Art Emporium website or subscribe to their YouTube channel to stay updated.

My work has always been about our collective anxiety. Life is hard under normal circumstances. However, everything has changed. Today, we find ourselves in the middle of the worst moment, during a pandemic, that no living person has ever experienced. All of the pieces in this show were created after the March 2020 Lockdown. Throughout the last nine months, my anxiety has been amplified to a point that in nearly unbearable. When I paint portraits, I project my own feelings onto the subject, assuming we are all experiencing similar things. These portraits unintentionally wound up injected with more fear, confusion, and erratic forms. This is where I am. This is where we are now. 

Buddy Nestor 

Buddy Nestor “The Devil’s Doorbell

The reception will be live via the DAE Facebook page Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 7pm

View the gallery in VR

RSVP | Visit in person by making an appointment

The Dark Art Emporium

121 W. 4th Street, Long Beach, California 90802

Located in Downtown Long Beach within The 4th Horseman

For additional information and purchase availability please contact: [email protected]

We have saved one hell of a perfect show to close out this mad-mad year!

Buddy Nestor has created a series that explores physical representations of anxiety & unease. A fitting theme considering the world they were created in. Buddy utilizes his signature mix of mediums (Spray paint, graphite & acrylic paint) to build portraits in mashed up layers of abstract, representational and expressionistic works the result of which is a sort of Hypnotic-Emotionalism speeding to the forefront and gripping us like a car accident unfolding before our eyes. 

Jeremy Cross
Co-Conspirator – DAE

The Dark Art Emporium Social Media Accounts

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Buddy Nestor Social Media Accounts

Twitter Instagram

About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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