
‘Painting The Figure Now’: PoetsArtists’ Newest Exhibition

The PoetsArtists ‘PAINTING THE FIGURE NOW’ exhibition seeks to show quality painting that investigates the many ways we see the human figure now. Contemporary approaches to portraiture, narrative, and any and all visualisations focusing on the human form in life, action, play, work, and repose. We are exhibiting artists who understand the finest traditions of figurative art. We believe the human form is an endlessly interesting subject with inexhaustible potential. We want to see humanity with a relevant, fresh, and contemporary feeling.

PoetsArtists once again brings to the audience an exhibition of exceptional artists to explore what it is to be Painting The Figure Now.

Painting the Figure Now


With Guest Curators

John Dalton | Victoria Selbach | Lorena Kloosterboer

Barry Blinderman | Jay Menendez | Daniel Maidman


The exhibition will take place at the Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art and the Zhou B Art Center, Chicago.

David Hummer | Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art

309 McClellan St, Wausau WI 54403 | PH 715-571-6551

Opening Reception:

July 11, 2019

Exhibition Dates: 

July 9 – September 28, 2019


Sergio Gomez  | Zhou B Art Center

1029 W 35th St, Chicago, IL 60609 | PH 773.523.0200

Opening Reception: 

October 18, 2019

Exhibition Dates: 

October 18- November 30, 2019

PoetsArtists Exhibition

realistic nude art

Pegah Samaie, ‘To Love and Obey’

nude artwork

Grant Gilsdorf, ‘Patina’

I love that art can tell a story. It can contain a narrative. A narrative draws us in as viewers and allows us to engage with an artwork on a deeply personal level. In the case of figure painting that narrative is often an internal one that we confront as we regard the figure in the painting.  My heart and soul are touched by personal stories told in a captured moment. Sometimes it is clear the subject is aware of our gaze, other times we catch the figure in an unguarded moment, exposed and vulnerable, emotionally, mentally or physically. The figure, and in particular, the nude can be a powerful artistic vehicle to express intimacy, sexuality, vulnerability, strength and a range of emotional and mental states in a highly focussed, distilled way.

figure painting

Daniela Kovacic, ‘Basia’


Junyi Liu, ‘Sinking’

As a guest curator for the exhibition, Lorena Kloosterboer said, “Painting the Figure Now” seeks to highlight skill based painting that investigates the many ways contemporary artists see the human figure…”


Sara Scribner, ‘Hannah With Flowers’

nude portrait art

Kathrin Longhurst, ‘Rise for Battle’

transsexual art

Rebecca Leveille-Guay, ‘Peacocks’

The works in this exceptional PoetsArtists exhibition are not just highly skilled representations of the human figure, they are psychological snapshots that expose the internal narratives of their subjects.Many depict with great sensitivity, poignant moments of shared or solitary human intimacy through a pose, an interaction, a touch or a glance.


Mark Heine, ‘Be Patient’

realistic painting

Alessandro Tomassetti, ‘To the Birds’


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