If you are impressed by a piece of art as child it will stay with you forever. ‘Pope’ by Francis Bacon is one of the paintings that made this lasting impression on British artist Joseph Loughborough. The artist, currently living and working in Berlin, connected with the expressive style of Bacon’s painting and made it his own. Another artist who made an impression on Joseph is Austrian painter Egon Schiele. Schiele is known for raw, intense portraits with a touch of vulgarity that must have made little Joseph giggle. The same raw intensity Schiele’s work breathes and lives in Joseph’s large charcoal drawings. His work is figurative, expressive and dark.
Joseph explores the darkness of the human psyche with deep layers of charcoal. The emotive postures and facial expressions of the portrayed give each piece an anxious, Dystopian feel. There’s light at the end of the tunnel as small touches of gold leaf add a glimmer of hope to his impressive work.
You can find more about Joseph’s inspiration on his website and in this interview on Bleaq. If you enjoy his pieces make sure to check out his online shop.