Dear beautiful bizarre friends,
The 10th Anniversary Issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with magical realism legend Michael Parkes’ incredible painting on the cover, has sold out! Don’t miss this inspiring, milestone issue – grab your copy today of the digital issue here.

Enjoy my Note from the Editor, published in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Issue 41
Yep, 10 years! What an amazing and important milestone for the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine team. You can read my interview which discusses the magazine’s challenges and successes inside this issue.
I touch briefly in this interview about my ‘imposter syndrome’ feelings. To better understand where this feeling comes from, even after ten years, it’s important to understand a little about my career before Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
Even though I studied art in high school, I felt lost when it came to deciding on a career. Because of this I decided not to go to University and spend years studying something I wasn’t passionate about, instead I went down the practical route to enable me to get a decent job and earn an OK income. I was a senior Personal Assistant [aka secretary] for my entire working career up until my late 30’s. Working in various industries, doing the same old boring admin work.

You know what it’s like – same thing, different day. None of this inspired me, I just went to work to earn an income and that was pretty much it. I did however always keep my toes in the water when it came to art. I still enjoyed looking at artwork, following artists’ journeys both online and via galleries. In early 2012, this led me to create the Beautiful Bizarre Facebook page, so I could share my love of art with the world in my personal time.
It was so wonderful to be able to engage with artists and art lovers in a direct way! From this group the idea of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine was born. One day the idea just popped into my head – why don’t I start an art magazine? This way I can not only publish the work of artists that I admire and share their work with a global readership, but I can also earn an income from what I truly love. So I did – I worked out how, and just went for it – and in 2013 the first issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine was born, and the rest, as they say, is history!

New Beginnings
Much of my and the business’ success has been thanks to serendipity, with opportunities presenting themselves at just the right time, and the rest – hard work, long hours, a huge amount of learning, constantly stepping outside of my comfort zone, and of course creating meaningful lasting relationships with artists, galleries, and my team.
… in 2013 the first issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine was born, and the rest, as they say, is history!
When I first started Beautiful Bizarre Magazine I had no idea about the publishing business, but I did have some understanding of business and team management. From my experience as a Personal Assistant, having both good and bad bosses, I knew very well what not to do when it came to managing and working with people. This has served me well. The rest I have made up as I have gone along! Creating my own idea of what publishing can be and what a magazine can encompass.

Deserving of success?
This brings me to ‘imposter syndrome’. “Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of accolades.” [Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey]. I know this feeling is quite common in artists as well. Why do we feel this way? What is it about creative people particularly that makes us feel that our success is not deserving? That it is luck rather than our own talent/hard work that has brought us success?

Why after 10 years, and creating a successful business, do I personally still feel this way? Good question! Perhaps it has something to do with my nature, being an introvert. I prefer to just work hard in the background rather than stand up in front of people and discuss my achievements. Perhaps it is because I have no formal education in the arts, or in business? Perhaps I still feel like this is too good to be true? Honestly, I don’t know.
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, through its people, brings a fresh perspective to magazine publishing, a personal and down to earth engagement with artists and the industry. One built from the ground up without pretence, just love, curiosity, wonder, and an open heart and mind.
However, perhaps this feeling also engenders humility? A real and honest appreciation and gratitude for those that have supported me and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine over the years – perhaps this is what makes Beautiful Bizarre Magazine unique? Beautiful Bizarre Magazine through its people brings a fresh perspective to magazine publishing, a personal and down to earth engagement with artists and the industry. One built from the ground up without pretence, just love, curiosity, wonder, and an open heart and mind. If this is the case, then I think these feelings of being an ‘imposter’ are not entirely a bad thing.
Can you relate to the ‘imposter syndrome’ feeling? If so, have you been able to overcome it? I’d love to hear about your experiences.

Finally, from one art lover to another, please accept my deepest gratitude for your support of our independent magazine! It is through your purchasing the magazine that Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is still in print 10 years on, and I am so thankful.
Much Love xo
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
All images throughout this Note From the Editor are by Issue 41 published artists.