
Daniel Segrove & Ron Norman @ Modern Eden Gallery

Don’t miss new work from Daniel Segrove and Ron Norman’s “Vacation to Catatonia” currently on view at Modern Eden Galley. Whether it is through surreal negative space and emotion-laden portraiture or sinuous graphite lines that explore concepts of death and dark surrealism, both artists catapult your imagination into their beguiling narratives.

Immerse yourself in these arresting collections and join Modern Eden Gallery in celebration of their distinct artistry.

Daniel Segrove painting Modern Eden Gallery
Daniel Segrove
Ron Norman's "Vacation to Catatonia" Modern Eden Gallery
Ron Norman

Exhibition Dates: August 8 – September 3, 2020

Modern Eden Gallery

1100 Sutter Street | San Francisco, CA 94109

For press inquiries or sales, please contact Gallery Director Kim Larson at [email protected]

General Information, please email [email protected]

Appointments are not required during the public reception, but capacity will be limited to 5 visitors at a time. Per the city and county of San Francisco, masks are required and guests must maintain 6 feet of distance while waiting for entry and during your visit.

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Works by Daniel Segrove

Modern Eden Gallery Press // Modern Eden Gallery proudly presents new and recent works by San Francisco artist Daniel Segrove. This new body of work contrasts negative space alongside bright colors, geometric shapes, and design elements woven together with the artist’s finely rendered figures. Daniel Segrove searches for familiarity when creating his work. As an artist who primarily paints people he knows or those he feels a strong connection with, his work relates those feelings to the viewer. Working towards finding an emotional connection or hidden narrative behind each individual, a better sense of the artist is revealed. As viewers, we find ourselves caught in Segrove’s path towards understanding his relationship with others and in turn reveal we too are looking for the same.

Ron Norman: “Vacation to Catatonia”

Modern Eden Gallery Press // Modern Eden Gallery proudly presents the gallery debut solo exhibition by Bay Area artist Ron Norman. Vacation to Catatonia represents Ron Norman’s intricate and detailed graphite drawings explore concepts of death, surrealism, classical still life, and oddities. 

Modern Eden Gallery Social Media Accounts

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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