
You Asked, We Listened: Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Entry Deadline Extended!

We have received lots of emails from our community asking for an extension to the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize entry deadline, because of all the COVID disruptions around the world. You asked, and we listened! The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize entries now close at midnight 31 July 2020 [Los Angeles, USA time / 5pm 1 August [Sydney, Australia time].

It’s easy, just enter the best work from your existing portfolio in any of the 4 Award categories: Traditional, Sculpture, Digital, or Photography – there is no need to create a new work!

Giving the practices of representational artists validation and visibility, particularly in the commercial gallery and museum sector where it is still hard to get representation, is what the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize aims to achieve.

Danijela Krha Purssey, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine

This is the perfect opportunity for you to get your work in front of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief and the Directors of Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, USA. Plus have your work published in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, win US$10,000 cash, see your work exhibited alongside 80+ of the best contemporary artists in the prestigious annual Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition, win amazing prizes, advertising packages, and of course receive worldwide exposure for your work!


Please note this will be the final and only deadline extension, so quick get your entries in. We can’t wait to see your work!

US$35,000 in cash and prizes to be won! Enter today.

2020 Award Categories

Entry fee is US$40 to cover administrative costs. Enter the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize today via the

Take a peek at some of the amazing entries below.

ZBrush Digital Art Award

Tristan Elwell "Isolation", Digital painting
Tristan Elwell
“Isolation”, Digital painting
Khurrum "Beguiling Curiosity", Digital painting
“Beguiling Curiosity”, Digital painting

iCanvas Photography Award

Fatima Ruiz
"Les fleurs du mal", Digital photography
Fatima Ruiz
“Les fleurs du mal”, Digital photography

Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award

Sally Simpson
"Fragile Equilibrium #1", Waxed bones, steel, thread and stone
Sally Simpson
“Fragile Equilibrium #1”, Waxed bones, steel, thread and stone
Jessica Dalva 
"Words are All That's Left", Mixed media
Jessica Dalva
“Words are All That’s Left”, Mixed media

INPRNT Traditional Art Award

Daniella Queirolo
"Rebirth", Oil and acrylic on canvas, 95 x 125cm
Daniella Queirolo
“Rebirth”, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 95 x 125cm
"Natural Reza", Acrylic and pen on wooden board, 11 x 14"
“Natural Reza”, Acrylic and pen on wooden board, 11 x 14″

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is deeply grateful to our sponsoring partners for their generous donations toward the 2020 Prize Pool.



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About Author

Danijela Krha Purssey is an entrepreneur, and the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Australian based international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. She is deeply passionate and committed to her vision to help shift the paradigm in the global contemporary arts industry regarding what is defined and accepted as contemporary art.