As many galleries have had to close their doors, it’s worth remembering that art still exists – and art will go on! Perhaps now more than ever, we need to remember the vital role which historical and contemporary art can play to bring us enjoyment and hope. It’s worth remembering that many artists continue to rely on us, dear art lover, for support and admiration. And so the world adapts, and many virtual exhibitions have taken centre-stage. One gallery promoting their impressive collection of artists virtually is Arcadia Contemporary.
Not only are they providing a new virtual exhibition tour every five days* (new theme, different artists), Arcadia Contemporary have extended their Arcadia Contemporary Group Exhibition until May 14th, 2020. Altogether, the group show spotlights a selection of artists whose timeless techniques bring a broad and delicious picnic of skills and mediums to keep you satiated in your own homes, all with a contemporary twist.
Arcadia Contemporary Group Exhibition
Exhibition Dates:
Through to May 14, 2020
Arcadia Contemporary (venue currently closed)
Old Town Pasadena | 39 East Colorado Blvd. | Pasadena, CA 91105
Contact: 626-486-2018 or email [email protected] for inquiries
Featured Artists: Ben Ashton, Jeff Bartels, Bill Bate, Rob Browning, Jeffrey Chong-Wang, Korin Faught, Lavely Miller-Kershman, Loribelle Spirovski & Conor Walton
Loribelle Spirovski – Homme No. 173 (oil on canvas, 16 x 12″) Lavely Miller-Kershman – Holly Rose No. 2 (oil on paper mounted on panel, 40 x 30″)
Do you prefer to dip into the bold works of Conor Walton, or wallow in the rich depths of Bill Bate? Perhaps you prefer to take a bite from Lavely Miller-Kershman’s oil on paper portraits while eyeing up Jeff Bartel’s hyper realistic creations for seconds. In contrast, is a colourful dessert more your style? Loribelle Spirovski can certainly provide that to finish off the feast. Whatever your fancy, there is plenty to enjoy in this fine selection of contemporary art.
The Arcadia Contemporary Group Exhibition remains open through to May 14th. Though the physical gallery is currently closed, you can visit their website for further details and email [email protected] for purchase availability.
*For every work of art acquired through the viewing room virtual exhibitions on the Arcadia Contemporary website, 10% of the selling price will be donated to The Center For Disease Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Response Fund.

Korin Faught – Rinauro (oil on canvas, 12 x 12″) Jeff Bartels – Vintage Zeiss Ikon in Glass (oil on canvas, 20 x 20″)