
Enchanting Folkloristic Illustrations by Alexandra Dvornikova

With the short, dark days of winter coming up (sorry Australia!) I feel my taste gravitating towards warm, fantastic art more than any other season. Alexandra Dvornikova, a young art graduate living and working in Saint Petersburg, Russia, has a portfolio filled with enchanting folkloristic illustrations that are a perfect match for this time of the year.

Alexandra has been an avid drawer since she was little, and decided at an early age to choose art as her career path. She enrolled in art school and got her degree in Art & Design at the Stieglitz State Academy in Saint Petersburg in 2015. Although a prestigious school Alexandra doesn’t remember the six years she spent there as her best ones: the teachers didn’t understand what she was doing and she left feeling insecure and untalented.

Misunderstood by her teachers Alexandra found her art family online, on her popular Tumblr blog All you need is a wall. Her minimalistic, earth-toned illustrations inspired by nature, wilderness and folktales quickly found a following, and an ever-growing international fan base is now impatiently awaiting Alexandra’s creative endeavors every day. Next to her blossoming career in illustration, Alexandra has been pursuing other goals such as studying art therapy and working with autistic people to give them a voice through art. A noble thing to do from a very talented woman who will probably become the inspiring, encouraging teacher she herself never had.

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova

Beautiful Bizarre: Alexandra Dvornikova


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