Three-eyed kittens & ray guns…welcome to the world of Julie Filipenko.
Yesterday we brought you a sneak peek at Arch Enemy Arts’ ‘The Royals’, opening this Friday, December 11, 2015. But this special night also features ‘Secret Dimension’, the captivating solo exhibition of Julie Filipenko. Steeped in girlish marvel, her enchanting new collection of work feeds the mysteries of adolescence while balancing the scales between heartrending fragility and impish charm.
Save the date and don’t miss this night of incredible art!
“Through the eyes of the artist, Secret Dimensions explores the facets through which we experience reality. The concept encapsulates the ideal of allowing the possibility of new perspectives that in turn may lead one to discover a new sort of adventure. Filipenko’s new collection focuses on paintings on shimmering poliflex and portraits with laser guns, both entice viewers to delve into explore their own experience depending on the angle from which one views each piece.” ~ AEA
‘Secret Dimensions’
Opening Reception:
December 11, 2015 | 6-9PM
*Julie will attend to meet & greet
Exhibition Dates:
December 11- January 16, 2016
Arch Enemy Arts
109 + 111 Arch Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106
IG: @archenemyarts //@pshillenn // @lawrenalice
For purchasing information and availability, please contact [email protected] or call 215.717.7774