
GOTH: Dissection and Suture @ Vanilla Gallery

Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan) is presenting a special exhibition that will prompt people to reevaluate the contemporary meaning of Gothicism by dissecting the way Japanese and international contemporary artists are portraying the concept through their works.

Through this exhibition, Vanilla Gallery is inviting us to re-evaluate the concept of Gothicism: Its soul and sensibilities, and its way of portraying darkness and mortality in beautiful guises.



ヴァニラ画廊の特別企画展として「ゴシック」をテーマに展覧会を開催いたします。 国内外より幅広い作家をセレクトし、現在「ゴシック」がどのような形で表現の中で息づいているのかを問いかけます。

GOTH: Dissection and Suture
ゴス: 解剖と縫合

Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)

Vanilla Gallery

8-10-7 Ginza Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN

Opening Reception:
Saturday, May 16, 2015 | 8 – 11 PM

Exhibition Dates:
June 1, 2015 – June 13, 2015


Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan) - art by Natalie Shau

Featured International Artists:
Elena Helfrecht (エレナ・ヘルフレヒト), John Santerineross (ジョン・サンテリネロス), KUKULA (ククラ), Louis Fleischauer (ルイス・フライシャー), Melanie Pullen (メラニー・プーレン), Natalie Shau (ナタリー・ショウ), Ransom & Mitchell (ランサム&ミッチェル), Saturno Butto (サトルノ・ブット), Seth Siro Anton (セス・シロ・アントン), SUKAOFF (スカ・オフ), Vania Zouravliov (ヴァーニャ・ズーラヴィロフ)

Featured Japanese Artists:
Aran (安蘭), Chisa Kataoka (片岡知紗), Kizimecca (キジメッカ), Tetsuo Koyama (小山哲生), Anna Saito (齋藤アンナ), Yuki Takahashi (高橋邑木), Takaaki Mukaigawa (向川貴晃), Hanamushi (花蟲), Midori Hayashi (林美登利), Iwami Furusawa (古沢岩美), Hatohiro Mikami (三上鳩広), Keizo Miyanishi (宮西計三)

Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
In 1764, Horace Walpole anonymously published a book that is generally regarded as the first gothic novel: ‘The Castle of Otranto’. The novel was born in Strawberry Hill House, a 17th century architectural ruin he decided to rebuild. The house’s gothic features – such as its towers, battlements, and gloomy yet ornate decorations – inspired him to write the novel. And, through that, a Gothic Revival movement was born.

Since then, gothicism has never stopped growing and evolving. And, to this very day, we can still see its imprints on contemporary literature, music, and fashion. Through numerous dissections and reconstructions, the concept of gothicism has become more complex than ever.



Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan) Goth - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan) - preview by Beautiful Bizarre Gothic - Dissection and Suture - a special gothic themed art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)


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