In Supersonic Art’s latest exhibition, curator and founder Zach Tutor has sets his sights on a theme which has mesmerised humanity since the dawn of time: the horizon. As well as being a metaphor for the boundless expanses of hope and possibility, there is a simple beauty in knowing that no two horizons are the same. Lighting, season, even our inner thoughts will always change how we experience the same place twice. The artists within SUPERSONIC HORIZONS have each explored the visual and conceptual elements of this theme to produce an array of paintings expanding multiple styles of art, each painting inducing layers of emotions as we glimpse into their inner worlds.
This exhibition celebrates contemporary landscape artists in a unique and refreshing light – and, ultimately, the Supersonic Art’s own progression forward.

“{…} We are invited to ponder these boundless expanses – phenomena that often serve as potent metaphors of time and hope: perpetually out of our grasp and, yet, an infinite source of aspiration and possibility. It is the artist’s magnificent gift, and displayed here in SUPERSONIC HORIZONS, to grasp these phenomena and place them before us, with all their beauty and power encapsulated. A spellbinding magic trick that has entranced us for millennia.
This ability of the artist is an unbridled power: transforming and capturing simple horizons into elaborate canvases brimming with dynamic metaphor and imagination, extending far beyond just mimicking the world around us. They are not mere echoes of the visible, but rather profound articulations of the beyond. Reflecting yearnings, passions, dreams, mysteries, memories – undercurrents and vibrations of what the artist may be seeking to discover.
Zach Tutor

Where: Supersonic Art Shop (online)
To request more information or to purchase work, please email [email protected]
Participating Artists //
Adam Hall • Alec Monson • Andie Taylor • Austin Parkhill • Beau Bernier Frank • Bradley Hankey • Brian Depauli • Christopher Burk • Craig George • Daliah Ammar • Danielle Winger • Danny Heller • Edwin Ushiro • Emily Wallerstein • Eric Nash • Francis Difronzo • Jack Rowland • Jay Bailey • Kazu Saito • Luke Anderson • Luke Tucker • Marc Trujillo • Mark Gleason • Michael Ward • Michael Polakowski • Nathan Walsh • Patrick Oates • Paul White • S. Jordan Palmer • Stephanie Buer • Timur Akhriev • Tom Jean Webb

Interview with Zach Tutor, curator and founder of Supersonic Art
You may be surprised to learn that Zach has been planning this exhibition since 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. “I knew I wanted to do something more than Supersonic Art had been doing in the past, and as the days dragged along with COVID and time seemed to disappear and merge into one long line, the thought of uninterrupted horizon began to permeate itself into my daily thoughts.” Zach explains.
“From that point forward, it was something I was wanting to build and curate as an exhibition. When Supersonic Art celebrated its 10th Annual Invitational exhibition in August of 2022 at Hashimoto Contemporary in Los Angeles, I felt a tectonic shift (or maybe a better way to describe it is, the end of a chapter) and realized I needed to be doing more exhibitions and explore ideas and genres under a more focused lens.”
The shift from curating online blogs and physical exhibitions, to focussing on an online gallery space, was something Zach had attempted before; but with “very little success”. His first attempt back in 2016 saw the rise of Supersonic Art Gallery, which was sadly short lived. However, much has changed on the online gallery scene within the past few years – no doubt, the pandemic has had a strong push on its advancement – and Zach felt the time was right to try again. Creating an extension of his well-loved brand, the Supersonic Art Shop came into being.
After a successful debut “test exhibition” (‘Into the October Country’, October 2022), came ‘VISIONS in January 2023, and ‘FACES & FIGURES’ in May 2023. Each event has had the goal of working towards a physical space in the future to allow Zach to reach an even wider audience.

The development of SUPERSONIC HORIZONS
“HORIZONS is a continuation of this goal and, I feel, the best body of work I’ve ever presented as a curator (this is, of course, thanks to all the hard work of the artists!). It is also the culmination of that original idea I had back in March of 2020, and it signifies, for me, that I’m reaching the landmarks that I’ve seen out there in the distance as I’m getting closer to these goals.” He shares.
“As this was such a firmly solidified passion at this point – to have these exhibitions and to have them so that I could finally open a physical gallery space – I decided to actually reach for the horizons when asking artists to be part of this.”
I reached out to artists that I wasn’t sure would want to be part of something like this. I wanted the best of the best in terms of contemporary landscape artists and this exhibition showcases just that. A pristine glimpse of the best landscape artists this world has to offer.
Sometimes, well – most of the time – you have to do things you’re unsure of to get the result you’re looking for.
The majority of the paintings within SUPERSONIC HORIZONS have been created especially for the show. Delectably, SUPERSONIC HORIZONS celebrates diversity encompassing artists from all over the world, each highly regarded within the contemporary art circles. As well as further information on each of the exhibiting paintings, Zach has painstakingly included biographies for each of the artists involved; be sure to check these out and more in the links below!
About Supersonic Art Shop //
Supersonic Art Shop was created in September 2016 as an experimental online space to showcase the best New Contemporary artists in mini-exhibitions and to offer rare and collectible prints for purchase. Curator Zach Tutor is widely respected as one of the best influencers in the world of New Contemporary Art and Artists from his immensely popular art blog, Supersonic Art. He has written for Juxtapoz, Hi-Fructose and has curated numerous exhibitions featuring some of today’s best New Contemporary Artists from around the world.