With all of the darkness that currently resides around the world, Natural Cannabis Company wanted to encourage more light. Consequently, they decided on the theme of LOVE for their 2023 High Art competition. I couldn’t think of anything better to celebrate their 10th anniversary of the annual event.
“This is about love in general” explains Noa Commendador, Art Director at High Art. “It doesn’t have to be hearts, flowers, or have any pink in it. What do you love, what is your passion? What signifies love for you? That’s what we want to see… Show us your love!”
So what exactly is High Art?
High Art is the annual international art competition ran by Natural Cannabis Company. Each year, thousands of professional and amateur artists create themed works through a variety of visual mediums to compete for $50,000 in prize money and to see their work featured across The Natural Cannabis Company products. Last year, High Art received entries from over 140 different countries, celebrating cultural diversity and multiple styles as artists shared their interpretations covering the theme of MUSIC.
Artwork entered doesn’t have to reference cannabis or include any psychedelic references at all. “And you don’t necessarily have to be high on anything to create.” Explains Noa. However, if you wish to include such themes, the High Art team welcome influences from “any type of mind-expanding drug”.
Enter High Art 2023
Note: entries will open on February 20, 2023, at 4:20 AM PST
Key Dates: February 20, 2023, at 4:20am PST – March 20, 2023, at 4:20pm PST
April 9th: Top 150 Finalists Announced
April 20th 4:20pm US/Pacific: Top 20 Winners Announced
1st Place: $15,000 and a $10,000 donation made in the winner’s name to one of the following international charities of their choice: Amnesty International, UNICEF, PETA, Doctor’s Without Borders, The International Red Cross, or The International Campaign to Ban Landmines
2nd Place: $5,000 USD
3rd Place: $2,500 USD
4th + 5th Place: $1,000 USD
6th – 20th Place: $500 USD
We think the world needs a little more love, which is why we are excited to announce that 2023 is High Art’s Season of Love!
How do you interpret love? Is it a love for your special someone, love for art itself, maybe love for a hobby or a place? We want to see what you love during 2023, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Dona Frank, Founder of High Art and Natural Cannabis Company
High Art prizes
As well as the monetary prizes, Finalists and Winners will have their artwork celebrated on Natural Cannabis Company (NCC) products. Additionally, the winning entries will be featured at the contest’s online gallery for one year. They will then remain in the gallery’s archives. Furthermore, winners will also enjoy their art being shared through multiple other avenues. This includes the stunning annual art book released by High Art Gallery, posters, email newsletters, online press releases, online event promotions and social media marketing, as well as through exhibits and displays at prestigious international art and culture events.
Want to learn more about who won last year? Check out our article here.

High Art Gallery and online shop
The Natural Cannabis Company have always supported their Finalists and Winners in as many ways as possible. Therefore, it wasn’t a surprise when they recently unveiled the High Art Gallery and shop. The release of NCC’s special online gallery and art shop has proven a great way to better support annual winners. High Art Gallery has grown into a thriving space where artists can promote their creations from more traditional routes such as prints and posters, to a variety of apparel and even home goods such as pillows!
By using winning artworks on the product packaging, NCC provide a surefire way to celebrate the winners and encourage accessibility to a broader audience.
The eclectic and vibrant variety of art is a visual delight and naturally, will gain many admirers! Find an artist you like and want to own their art in your own home? No problem: High Art Gallery provides direct access to the artists you discover and love.
It’s a win for both the artists entering and their fans.
Additionally, the online gallery provides a safe and accessible way for artists to enter this competition in countries where accessing their main website can be an offence.

About High Art by the Natural Cannabis Company
Artists have been inspired by marijuana for decades, and the cannabis art movement has evolved throughout different cultures. This movement has only grown as more and more countries have legalised this plant. The art competition was created by The Natural Cannabis Company in 2014 as a crowd-sourcing solution to packaging design. However, from its humble beginnings, the competition has developed into an internationally known art contest. It now celebrates thousands of entries annually from 140+ countries all over the world.
One of the goals of the competition is to celebrate this creativity and the real-life experiences linked to using cannabis. Submissions can be inspired by, or produced, as a result of cannabis. However, while this is a focus, it is not compulsory for artists to have been affected by this psychotropic drug to submit an entry into the prize.
The team are already looking forward to seeing what the 2023 theme of LOVE will bring!
For more information, visit their FAQ.

High Art Social Media Accounts
Gallery + Shop | Instagram | Facebook | High Art Spotify
Natural Cannabis Company Social Media Accounts
Website | Gallery + Shop | Facebook | Twitter