
Yule Group Exhibition @ Modern Eden Gallery

Do you hear that? The gentle sounds of the Winter Solstice are echoing in the distance and twinkling lights march up and down the city sidewalks like toy soldiers honouring the seasonal change. Mother nature shifts her wild gaze and the wind carries with it the Yuletide – a time for reflection and regaining energy. Join Modern Eden Gallery this weekend as they proudly present Yule, their final group exhibition of the 2022 year and a celebration of all things drifting off to sleep in preparation of Spring’s rejuvenation and gradual return of the sun’s light ritual.

It’s the perfect time of year to give and receive the gift of art. View all available inventory by visiting Modern Eden Gallery’s website!

Jeannie L. Paske

Participating Artists // Alec Huxley, Angelique Benicio, Brandice Guerra, Caitlin McCormack, Calvin Lai, Carisa Swenson, Cassandra Kim, Catherine Moore, Daniel J Valadez, Daria Theodora, Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman, Delphyne V., E.E. Kono, Erica Calardo, Erica Levine, FLuX, Glenn Arthur, Hallie Packard, Henry Schreiber, J. Henry, Jasmine Worth, Jeannie L. Paske, Jel Ena, Jessica Dalva, Joshua Coffy, Juan Manuel Sanabria, Julie Filipenko, Juliet Schreckinger, Junko Mizuno, Kalejaye O. Tosin, Kaysha Siemens, Kelly Eden, Kindra Nikole, Kirsten Stingle, Lacey Bryant, Larysa Bernhardt, Linda Larson, Mandy Tsung, Marie-Eve Proteau, Martin Hsu, Mary Syring, Megan Buccere, Michael Campbell, Michael Koehler, Morgan Booth, Nadezda, Olympia Altimir, Ryan Martin, Saskia Huitema, Shannon Taylor, Stephanie Jucker, Steven Russell Black, Sybiline, Terry Ribera, Ursula Young, and Vanessa Lemen.

Cassandra Kim
Caitlin McCormack

Modern Eden Gallery Press // This exhibition explores Yule, the Pagan celebration of Winter Solstice which marks the longest night of the year and the return of the sun to earth. Midwinter has been recognized as a significant turning point in the yearly cycle since the late Stone Age. It shows its roots in many cultures throughout history, including the Roman celebration Saturnalia, the Egyptians who honored the return of Ra, the Old Norse celebration of Jól, and many others. Yule marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of another––the process of rebirth and renewal.


Opening Reception: Saturday, December 10, 2022 | 6–8 pm

Exhibition Dates: December 10, 2022 – January 7, 2023

(Gallery will be closed December 24-31)

Modern Eden Gallery

1100 Sutter Street | San Francisco, CA 94109

For press inquiries or sales, please contact Modern Eden Gallery Director Kim Larson at [email protected] | General Information, please email [email protected]

Phone: (415) 956-3303 

Wednesday–Saturday, 12–5 pm

Private artwork viewing appointments are available

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About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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