Severine Pineaux is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
Severine Pineaux started painting in her teens. After working as an illustrator for role-playing games and SF, horror and fantasy book covers, she resumed a personal creative adventure in 1996 after the birth of her first child, and published these works in books in which the images precede the text and narrative and are the inspiration behind them. Her work navigates between two worlds, that of painting and that of comics and illustrated books. At present, she’s also continuing to work for the game worlds, illustrating for Sorcery TCG. She lives in the Brocéliande forest, which is a great source of inspiration. She is quoted on .

Severine’s paintings are a walk in a dream world, inspired by mythology and fairy tales but also by cyberpunk culture and dark romanticism where past and future intertwine. Staged in her books, they become actors and scenery of a paper theater. By merging trees and humans, plants and animals, by mixing machines and plants, she evokes the links and the unity of the world suggested by ancient spiritualities as well as by contemporary science.

The starting point of her painting is fusion. Severine perceive the contemporary world as a universe of crossbreeding where human cultures are rapidly mixing, where hybridization with machines becomes possible, where we discover that our DNA is very close to that of other living beings, where quantum entanglement abolishes distances… It is this feeling of disappearance of the borders between things that she translates into images. “I am located in the twilight zone, between the shadow and the light, I feel the strength of the feelings of love which can link the beings”. She wants to believe in the possible reconciliation between mankind and nature, but a grimacing skull is sometimes seen in the middle of flowers.

Severine Pineaux chose the classical medium of oil painting, and the figurative way to give the maximum evocative power to her mental images and also for the pure pleasure that the act of painting gives her. She tries to create with her adult technique in the state of mind of her childhood. It is very important to her to publish her paintings in creative books halfway between art book, illustrated book and comic book, it is the way she found to spread her work and tell all the stories that inhabits her mind.

Severine Pineaux depicts plant-beings, made up of accumulated leaves, bark and flowers, as Arcimboldo might have done. These dryads and fantastical animals often roam landscapes of ruined cities, reflecting ecological concerns. She uses symbolism, drawing on European Renaissance painting as much as pop culture and Celtic legends.

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