As the November winds blow, we forge ahead further into the year and what better way to celebrate the changing seasons and the anticipation of things to come than with a new body of work sure to heighten your senses. Distinction Gallery invites you join them in celebration of Denise Bledsoe’s “Disorder” solo exhibition, a collection of art doll sculptures that tug your heartstrings and shape a permanent toothy smile.
From puffy-eyed clowns and chubby-cheeks Ginger to pumpkin friends and snail maidens waiting for you in the garden…one glance is all it takes and you’ll know just what I mean. Join them for the opening reception with the artist, live music by Eric Brinker, open studios, and drinks for sale by Last Spot by Hidden Hive on Saturday, November 12th from 6-10pm!
I’ve been involved in art with one media or another from an early age. Although I spent many hours sketching, drawing with pen and ink, and painting with acrylics and oils, my first love has always been sculpting and mixed media. I currently use both ceramic and oil based clays. It is the three-dimensional and textural qualities achievable through sculpture that satisfies me creatively. I feel that being able to experience a piece by holding it in one’s hand is most fulfilling. In the case of my figurative pieces, it becomes an interaction…with “eye contact”.
Denise Bledsoe

Mixed Media

Mixed Media
Denise Bledsoe, “Disorder”
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 12, 2022 | 6-10pm
Exhibition Dates: November 12- December 3, 2022
Distinction Gallery
317 E Grand Ave, Suite B | Escondido CA 92025
phone # 760.781.5779

Mixed Media

Mixed Media
No heavy message or serious statement is intended in most of my figures. They are as simple as their little faces depict. My hope is that they will spark an emotion in the viewer…one of happiness, an understanding, a reminder of someone they know or even just a smile. Any kind of reaction, good or otherwise is my goal.
Denise Bledsoe
About the Gallery // Distinction Gallery was created in 2004 to give beginning and established collectors a venue to purchase high-quality, cutting edge artwork. Distinction has hosted over 185 exhibitions since its inception featuring emerging, mid-career and veteran professional artists. Distinction’s artwork is available for purchase online to clients around the world, and most of our artists are available for commissions. In order to further expand offerings to the community, Distinction converted part of their location to ArtHatch, a non profit organization.
ArtHatch is a 7,000 square foot building which houses Distinction Gallery: exhibitions changing monthly, “The Alley”, featuring 15 local artist, the teen room featuring artwork by 15+ teen artists, 16 artist studios, ranging in size from 150 to 500 sq ft, ArtHatch Escape Rooms, and Last Spot Art Bar.

Mixed Media

Mixed Media
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