Dear beautiful bizarre friends,
Issue 37, the 9th Anniversary Issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is on sale now! Don’t miss this special issue, grab yours today via our website or one of our stockists worldwide.
I hope this issue ignites your creativity, or helps you find new artists to expand your collection. I have chosen Henrik Uldalen’s powerful and emotive painting, “Relapse”, for this issue’s cover because I feel it represents our contemporary times and our shared trauma over the pandemic, the eroding of women’s rights, social and political unrest, the war in Ukraine, and, of course, the climate crisis. I wanted this issue’s cover to speak authentically about the times that we live in, because I feel it is important to acknowledge our shared experience.
I wanted this issue’s cover to speak authentically about the times that we live in, because I feel it is important to acknowledge our shared experience.
As difficult as these last few years have been for us all, at least we know that we are not alone. Many of us feel a deep sadness about the current state of the world. So, how do we try to lift ourselves from this melancholy? How can we proceed with a more positive outlook? Remember, what we think becomes our reality!

I am certainly no expert, but I do recall some excellent advice I was given many years ago which I practiced consistently throughout my 20’s, and during this last difficult period I have taken up again. This is to make a list of five things that you are grateful for each day, whether it be first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Take a few moments to reflect on the things that you are thankful for, and write them down. They can be very simple, for example – a roof over my head, food in the fridge, my dog, waking up and getting dressed; or they can be grander – opening Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s 2nd Museum exhibition in my home town. There will be days when it is difficult to come up with five things, but this exercise allows for a shift in focus from what we want but don’t have, to acknowledging and being thankful for the things we do have in our lives, no matter how small. When I read back through my old journals it is clear to see when I was struggling, but I am proud that I was able to take some time each day for gratitude, and it is from this place of gratitude that I now try to navigate my life and career.
When I read back through my old journals it is clear to see when I was struggling, but I am proud that I was able to take some time each day for gratitude, and it is from this place of gratitude that I now try to navigate my life and career.
What am I grateful for?
So, on that note, what am I grateful for? I am deeply grateful to still be here bringing you inspiration every quarter after ten years [nine years of publishing Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and one year prior to the first issue’s release]. Dear reader, your support of our independent magazine is so very appreciated! I am grateful for my team who are all incredibly passionate, dedicated, and hardworking people. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with so many brilliant creatives whose work brings me joy and inspires me. I am grateful for my home and garden which provide security, comfort and peace. I am grateful for my precious husband Richard’s love and unwavering support of my dreams. I am grateful for my friends who not only put up with my crazy but rejoice in it, and finally I am grateful for my health.
What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with so many brilliant creatives whose work brings me joy and inspires me.
I am also grateful for the opportunity to work with amazing private and public galleries to bring the pages of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine to life through our curated exhibitions. This year we have two! The first is our 2nd Museum exhibition Interconnected, which opened at the New England Regional Art Museum in Australia in May, and the second is Halcyon Days, which opens at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco in November.
Halcyon Days will also include the winners of this year’s Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, so if you haven’t yet entered please do – we have extended the entry deadline to midnight 31 July [Los Angeles, USA time]. This is an amazing opportunity to exhibit with Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and Modern Eden Gallery, plus share in over US$57,000 in cash and prizes.
It’s easy, just enter the best work from your existing portfolio, in any static medium at today!

I recently had the pleasure of chatting to Kat Hamilton for the ‘My Crazy Artist Life‘ podcast. We covered all sorts of things over a few glasses of bubbles and lots of laughs – including how I got started in independent publishing, what enabled me to grow the business, my challenges and victories, tips for artists, and lots more. You can listen to the podcast here.
Until next time, please take care of yourself and those around you, and stay safe.
Much Love xo
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
Top image by Issue 37 featured artist Daantje Bons. All images throughout this blog are by Issue 37 published artists.