
“PARALLEL UNIVERSE” Artist Couples Exhibition @ Stone Sparrow NYC

Step into a “PARALLEL UNIVERSE”, where possibility is limitless, and experience the many intriguing creative visions of Carolynda Macdonald, Alan Macdonald, Joshua Lawyer and MJ Lindo-Lawyer… four exceptional artists exploring beguiling narratives and intriguing contrasts of their soul counterpart. Join Stone Sparrow NYC as they proudly present “PARALLEL UNIVERSE”. Each work of art, more beautiful than the next, let’s your thoughts wander as the striking interpretations of these artist couples breathes life to your imagination.

The exhibition opens virtually November 18th and the opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, November 28th from noon to 7pm. Reservations are strongly suggested prior to visiting the gallery. View the calendar and schedule your appointment today!


Exhibition Dates: November 18 – December 24, 2020

For addition exhibition information and collection inquiries, please email curator Marina at [email protected]

Appointments are encouraged, but not required during their regularly scheduled hours with the exception of opening events. Schedule your visit.

Alternative visiting hours are available by request. Please note, the gallery is following these city mandated health regulations:

– Face masks are required.

– Observe social distancing of 6+ feet.

– We are limiting occupancy to 6 visitors at one time.

Stone Sparrow NYC

45 Greenwich Ave, New York, NY 10014
between Charles and Perry Street
ph# 646.449.8004

About the Gallery // Stone Sparrow NYC is a new contemporary art gallery in the heart of the West Village in downtown Manhattan. It’s owned and curated by husband and wife duo Marina and Udi Eliasi.

Carolynda Macdonald

Alan Macdonald

Joshua Lawyer

MJ Lindo-Lawyer

Stone Sparrow NYC Social Media Accounts

Website | Facebook | Instagram

About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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