Little robots with animal friends pulling your heartstrings in every direction… who could resist such sweet storytelling? This weekend Distinction Gallery is celebrating the highly anticipated opening of “Gizmos and Shivelight”, the solo exhibition of Eusebio Travis Sevilla. In this playful collection of work, the endearing and sometimes mischievous nature of his characters come to life and invite you along on their many surreal adventures.
Join Distinction Gallery and watch as each of Eusebio Travis Sevilla’s paintings brings a smile to your face.
I have been working with Travis for years through ArtHatch and I am a big fan of his work. I am so honored to host his first solo show at the gallery.
director, Melissa Inez Walker

Opening Reception: Saturday, August 8, 2020 | 6-9pm
Exhibition Dates: August 8 – September 5, 2020
Reception with the artist (pending this is allowed) will include live music, ArtHatch open studios, and drinks available from Last Spot.
About the Artist// Eusebio Travis Sevilla is an artist and arts educator currently working in North County. A recent transplant from LA, Travis has attended Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, and received his BFA from OTIS College Art and Design in Los Angeles. He has an MFA in Studio Art from the University of California, Irvine and has been teaching art for the past six years. Travis is enthusiastic about art, art education, and working with young artists.
About Distinction Gallery // ArtHatch is a 7,000 square foot building which houses Distinction Gallery: exhibitions changing monthly, multiple exhibition spaces featuring work by represented artists, “The Alley” featuring over 20 local artists, 16 artist studios, ranging in size from 150 to 800 square feet, featuring local artists and the ArtHatch teens, 2 escape rooms, and our newest addition Last Spot Art Bar.
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