
Issue 28 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine with Matthew Grabelsky’s fabulous pop surreal painting on the cover is out now! Contact one of our Stockists or Shop Online, but don’t miss this special issue.

Inside Issue 28 we plunge into the work of Matthew Grabelsky and his wild subway world, and learn what is involved in the design process of a book cover with Tran Nguyen.

We also share in an intimate conversation between Nom Kinnear King and Adam Oehlers as they reveal what its like to live, love and create together. We hear how 2019 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Winner Annie Murphy-Robinson uses her art, as a catharsis and tool to heal traumatic wounds from her past in a deeply personal and moving interview.

Bruno Pontiroli shares his desire to use humour as a universal language to bridge cultural divides and enliven the increasingly negative mindset invading the 21st century. While we touch on Jason Mowry’s interest in expressing the anima, the unconscious feminine side of a man, as keeper or dispenser of deep wisdom, and how this is expressed in his watercolour paintings.

In our exclusive in-depth interview with Australian analogue photographer Petrina Hicks, she reveals how her interest in the animal-human relationship is captured in her work as the “otherness” – the boundary between the human and non human animal. We also take a close look at 2019 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, Sculpture Award Winner, Akishi Ueda’s detailed surreal sculptures, and discover how his reoccurring city motif expresses memory; but not his, the memory of humanity.

We feature Lori Earley’s figurative paintings in stunning full page reproductions in Issue 28’s Lookbook, and delve into Mathilde Oscars’ photography and her insatiable hunger to tell stories. Together we learn how Jeffrey Chong Wang’s “cultural disorder” has impacted his paintings in a monumental way.

Seven artists Lani Imre, Alexandra Dvornikova, Harold Munoz, Cassidy Rae Marietta, Marisa Aragon Ware & Sandra Ovenden, working across styles and mediums respond to the same quick questions:

  1. Art is a visual language what are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?
  2. What is the most challenging part about creating art for you?
  3. Do you think beauty in art is important?
  4. What role do you feel art and the artist have in today’s society?

While our editor-in-chief acknowledges the horrific bush fires that have ravaged Australia from September 2019 into 2020, and issues a call to arms for people to step up and accept their responsibility to this planet in her ‘Letter from the Editor’. The director of New England Regional Art Museum, Rachel Parson, shares what artwork she would like to add to her personal collection.

Plus we discover some of our favourite wearable art brands, and share a collection of the amazing hashtagged #beautifulbizarre artwork from our social media community of over 1 Million followers!

All this and so much more inside Issue 28 // March 2020, which showcases some of the best and most inspiring emerging and mid-career artists of our time.

issue 28_cover and digital image

Visit our online store and enjoy Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Issue 28.

About Author

Danijela Krha Purssey is an entrepreneur, and the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Australian based international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. She is deeply passionate and committed to her vision to help shift the paradigm in the global contemporary arts industry regarding what is defined and accepted as contemporary art.


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