
Interview with Miho Hirano

To view Miho Hirano’s painting is to be immersed in beauty and serenity. Each canvas is like a portal to an alternate realm where people are enveloped by the tender and nurturing embrace of perpetual spring. If we look at each painting long enough, we can feel a slight chill on the back of our upper spine. Although we shiver, we know we are inside of a safe haven. The tranquil smiles of the women in the paintings give us all of the assurances we need.


Would you tell me about the very first exhibition you participated in? (e.g. Which gallery? Did anyone invite you to participate in the exhibition? What is the strongest lingering memory you have about the show?)

In July 2008. It was a solo exhibition at Gallery Ginza Forest. At that time, I wanted to find a place to exhibit my works, and a friend from my university introduced me to the gallery. It was my very first exhibition, so I wasn’t sure how the viewers would evaluate my paintings. Some of the paintings were sold, and I was glad about that. But, I also received a harsh criticism as well. So, in the end, the exhibition brings a painful memory.

最初に行った日本での展示会のことについてお聞きしたいと思います。いつ、どのキャラリーで、どの作品を展示されましたか?また、どのようにしてその展示会に参加されましたか?どなたからのお誘いがありましたか? そしてなにか思い出はありますか?


If you don’t mind, will you tell me the way you reacted to that criticism?

The criticism makes me able to see my limitations, especially the things I can and cannot express through my paintings. As a result, I’m able to create a much more consistent body of work.



Would you tell me about your first overseas exhibition?

In March 2016, I had a duo exhibition in Corey Helford Gallery’s ‘Gallery 3’. Caro, the person who curated the exhibition, spotted my work on the internet and invited me to participate in the show. It was my very first visit to the United States. I was nervous, and the exhibition was at a much larger scale than I expected. However, I received heart-warming responses from the viewers, and I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to exhibit my work there.


海外は2016年3月にロサンゼルスの「Corey Helford Gallery」の第3ブースで二人展でした。キュレーターのCaroさんがネット上で私の作品を見つけて展覧会の話しを持ち掛けてくださいました。初めての渡米でもあったので緊張しましたが想像以上の広大なスケールの展示、お客様の反応の温かさを目の当たりにして本当に参加出来て良かったと思う展覧会でした。

Some of your fans are wondering what the women in your paintings are thinking. Will you tell me the kind of emotions and thoughts they have in their minds?

I intentionally make each woman I paint to have an ambiguous facial expression. That way, the viewers would wonder and speculate about the things they have in their minds.



How do you decide the kind of flowers and animals you surround your characters with?

I paint the animals and the plants I remember from my childhood memories. The reason I use ‘Spring Season’ as a recurring theme is because I want to paint about flourishing and everlasting things.



Did you have a formal art education? If so, where? And, what’s the most important thing you learned there?

I joined my school’s an art club during my High School Years. That’s when I learned oil painting for the first time. After that, I went to Musashino Art University and majored in oil painting. The most important thing I learned there was: Expressing our minds, thoughts, and emotions through our works is much more important than our painting technique. Before I studied in the university, I never really worked on that aspect of art-making.



Is there any significance change in your life ever since you’ve become a professional artist and exhibited your work overseas?

When I participate in an overseas group exhibition, art galleries expect me to adhere to specific themes. I need to work on that because I used to paint ambiguous things and let the viewers to come up with their own interpretation. But, many overseas audience expects artists to tell them the meaning behind our works, so I need to learn to express my art with words as well.

I used to let people to come up with their personal interpretations. I like hearing interpretations that are different from my own concept. I find them interesting.

プロのアーティストなって, 海外の展示会に参加されて何か自分の中で変化はありましたか?



What’s your typical day like?

I paint almost every day. Most of the time, I paint at midnight. And when I paint, I usually listen to a radio show.



How do you usually come up with the titles for your paintings?

When I start a new painting, I – usually – only have a general idea about the new work. As I’m working on it, the ambient and concept of the painting become clearer and clearer. And once I’ve completed the painting, I can finally choose a title for it.



What are the things that inspires you the most? Is there an artist whose work continues to inspire you?

I’m inspired by John Everett Millais‘ ‘Ophelia‘. The character he paints is extremely sad; she lost her sanity and drowned herself. Even though it’s a sad painting, I find it beautiful because I can see the beauty of the water that purifies her life. Since then, I often incorporate water in my painting.



To you, what’s the most important thing in this life?

To believe in one’s self, even though it’s not so easy to do . . .



Where can we view your paintings in person in a near future?









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