Come hang out at Arch Enemy Arts on Friday, December 11, 2015, and celebrate their new group exhibition, ‘The Royals’. Featuring an intriguing range of styles and visual interpretations from 18 distinct artists, this new collection of work depicts the historical titles and ranks within the Medieval Ages Royal Court. From the splendor of kings and queens to the antiquity of alchemists and executioners, mark you calendars now! This special night also features Julie Filipenko‘s ‘Secret Dimension’. Watch for our sneak peek tomorrow on the website.
‘The Royals’
Opening Reception:
December 11, 2015 | 6-10PM
Exhibition Dates:
December 11- January 17, 2016
Participating Artists:
Tom Bagshaw, Fabio D’Aroma, Craww, Alex Garant, Julianna Menna, David Seidman, Rachael Bridge, Caitlin Hackett, Carly Janine Mazur, Chris Leib, Chris Seaman, Gustavo Rimada, Heather McLean, Jared Tuttle, Jason Hernandez, Reuben Negron, Rodrigo Borges, Wendy Ortiz
Arch Enemy Arts
109 + 111 Arch Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106
IG: @archenemyarts //@pshillenn // @lawrenalice
For purchasing information and availability, please contact [email protected] or call 215.717.7774
David Seidman
Rachael Bridge
Fabio D’Aroma
Alex Garant
Caitlin Hackett
Chris Leib
Carly Janine Mazur
Heather McLean
Julianna Menna
Reuben Negron
Wendy Ortiz
Jared Tuttle