
Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery

This September, during Japanese Silver Week, Vanilla Gallery is presenting a special exhibition featuring handpicked delicate and elaborate three-dimensional artworks, provocative yet beautiful photographs, as well as radical and decadent two-dimensional artworks. Together, they are the embodiment of Vanilla Gallery’s aesthetics.  Come and see the recent works of the featured artists, and view some artworks that are selectively curated by Sadistic Circus for this show. Let the artworks in this special exhibition’s to fascinate and captivate you with their mysterious allure.

9月のシルバーウィークをまたいで開催する今展示は、センシティブに造りこまれた立体作 品、ショッキングながらも美しい写真作品、ラディカルかつ、デカダンスな平面作品まで、ヴァニラ画廊を代表するアーティストによる≪衝撃作≫が一堂に会 し、直近の活動が俯瞰できる展覧会として、多くの来場者が訪れる好評企画展です。今回は会期中に開催するサディスティックサーカスとの特別コラボレーション展示も有。あなたの醒めた興奮を喚起する、魅惑の作品群を是非お楽しみ下さい!

Condensed Vanilla 2015

Condensed Vanilla 2015 art exhibition in Vanilla Gallery art gallery in Tokyo, Japan, Beautiful Bizarre

Exhibition Dates:
September 14 – October 3, 2015

Admission Fee:
500 Yen

Vanilla Gallery

8-10-7 Ginza Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN

Featured Artists:
石井智菜美 (Chinami Ishii) ☆ 伊藤啓恵 (Hiroe Itou) ☆ 池谷友秀 (Tomohide Ikeya) ☆ Ueda Usuke
大串祥子 (Shoko Ogushi) ☆ Kamerian川上勉 (Tsutomu Kawakami) ☆ C7Saturno Buttò
空山基 (Hajime Sorayama) ☆ 髙木智広 (Tomohiro Takagi) ☆ 多賀新 (Taga Shin) ☆
立花奈央子 (Naoko Tachibana) ☆ たま (Tama) ☆ 寺田克也 (Katsuya Terada) ☆ 波磨茜也香 (Ayaka Hama) ☆
春川ナミオ (Harukawa Namio) ☆ 冷墨清志 (Kiyoshi Hiyazumi) ☆ 平田澱 (Hirata Yodom) ☆ 泥方陽菜 (Haruna Hijikata) ☆ 中島圭一郎 (Keiichirou Nakashima) ☆ Natalie Shauナナオヒシャク (Nanao Hishaku) ☆ 麻子 (Mako) ☆ 水元正也 (Masaya Mizumoto) ☆ Melanie Pullen ☆ 吉田槇 (Maki Yoshida) ☆ 横倉裕司 (Yuji Yokokura) ☆ ルネッサンス吉田 (Renaissance Yoshida) ☆ Rockin’Jelly Bean

Featured by Sadistic Circus:
カネオヤサチコ (Kaneoya Sachiko) ☆ 呪みちる (Noroi Michiru) ☆ Helene FjellRansom & Mitchell ☆ リンクファクトリー (Link Factory)

横倉裕司 (Yuji Yokokura) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above)  横倉裕司 (Yuji Yokokura)

中島圭一郎 (Keiichirou Nakashima) Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) 中島圭一郎 (Keiichirou Nakashima)

麻子 (Mako) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) 麻子 (Mako)

寺田克也 (Katsuya Terada) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) 寺田克也 (Katsuya Terada)

カネオヤサチコ (Kaneoya Sachiko) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) カネオヤサチコ (Kaneoya Sachiko)

空山基 (Hajime Sorayama)空山基 (Hajime Sorayama) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) 空山基 (Hajime Sorayama)

Tomohide Ikeya 「BREATH - MOON」 @ Vanilla Gallery - read more about it on beautiful.bizarre池谷友秀 (Tomohide Ikeya)

髙木智広 (Tomohiro Takagi) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) 髙木智広 (Tomohiro Takagi)

大串祥子 (Shoko Ogushi) - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre大串祥子 (Shoko Ogushi)

Spidora Miz Beardsley by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan(Above) Ransom & Mitchell

Kamerian - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) Kamerian

Tama - Condensed Vanilla 2015 @ Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - via beautiful.bizarre(Above) たま (Tama)



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