Sometimes the path that you start on as a child becomes the path that you stay on for the rest of your life. For Ellen Jewett, creating sculptures from a young age transformed into a lifelong obsession – her integral link to life and nature, in all its forms, has amounted to an array of metaphysical creations merging beauty and the grotesque.
To sum it up, it is about Life. It is always, all about Life. As I researched more about Ellen it became clear that this is the word to which all of her interests, her inspiration, interconnect and give birth to each sculpture. As described on her website, each sculpture is about ‘biological narratives, emotions, movement, balance and observation about life’s subtleties and overtures’.
What is even more alluring, however, is the sheer amount of fantastical creatures that spring to life, posing gracefully in all their glory for the world to see. Ellen’s interest in nature is clear; whether it’s metamorphosing flora and fauna, multiple animals or adding her own take on traditional – and mythological – creatures, her use of colour and organic shapes constantly brings you back to our earthly roots. As a professional animal trainer, her background in animal behaviour, rearing and rehabilitation comes forth in each piece and hours of labour and love as a trainer are mirrored in her work as an artist.
What I love most about Ellen’s work is the feeling of spontaneity. Looking at the way her creatures interact it’s clear to see the subtle observations she describes as she forms moments frozen in time with delicate beauty. There is a wonderful playfulness in their poses that triggers feelings of warmth in even the more stranger creatures that are born, and her use of balance and surrealism only further compliment these dream-woven artworks.
This multi-media artist hand makes every part of each sculpture and her work is for sale on her Etsy shop, though be quick as each piece is unique! To find out more about Ellen and her sculptures, check out her website Creaturesfromel.