
Suggestivism : Chronology @ Copro Gallery

The ‘Suggestivism : Chronology’ group exhibition, curated by Nathan Spoor opens at Copro Gallery on 16 August with an incredible line up of uniquely talented artists that explore Spoor’s concept of “Suggestivism”.  According to Spoor, the conversation of Suggestivism is an ongoing journey: “As artists, we accept our roles as explorers into unknown territories. We encourage inspirations and suggestions whenever and wherever they might appear. We accept that our creative destination is defined by a series of journeys and illuminations; our days are invitations to the suggestions that exist as well as the adventures yet to be.”

Suggestivism : Chronology
16 August – 6 September
Opening reception: Saturday August 16, 8:00 – 11:30pm
Copro Gallery
Bergamot Station Arts Complex
2525 Michigan Ave , Unit T5, Santa Monica , CA

Featured artists:

Aron Wiesenfeld, Joe Vaux, Nicola Verlato, Hannah Yata, Chet Zar, Jana Brike, Nicoletta Ceccolli, Dan May, Marco Mazzoni, Hsiao-Ron Cheng, Seamus Conley, Sam Wolfe Connelly, RS Connett, Peter Ferguson , Ken Garduno, Robert Hardgrave, Naoto Hattori, Joe Hengst, Charlie Immer, Gregory Jacobsen, Sarah Joncas, Andy Kehoe, Linsey Levendall, JeanPaul Mallozzi, Chris Mars, Mars-1 / Mario Martinez, Julian Callos, Jeff McMillan, David Molesky, Scott Musgrove, Michael Page, Joe Remmers, James Roper, Rob Sato, Nick Sheehy, Jason SnyderAmy Sol, Nathan Spoor, Heidi Taillefer, Jaime Brett Treadwell, Winnie Truong, Heather Watts and more!

See all available work here.

 Naoto Hattori_beautifulbizarre_025Naoto Hattori

SarahJoncas_beautifulbizarre_015Sarah Joncas

Hsiao-Ron Cheng_beautifulbizarre_018Hsiao-Ron Cheng

HannahYata_beautifulbizarre_002Hannah Yata

Chris Mars_beautifulbizarre_028Chris Mars

Nicoletta_beautifulbizarre_010Nicoletta Ceccoli

Yoko d'Holbachie_beautifulbizarre_027Yoko d’Holbachie

janabrike_beautifulbizarre_006Jana Brike

marcomazzoni_beautifulbizarre_003Marco Mazzoni

Ver's LanternsAmy Sol

Jean Paul Mallozzi _beautifulbizarre_022Jean Paul Mallozzi

Gregory Jacobson_beautifulbizarre_016Gregory Jacobson

Winnie Truong_beautifulbizarre_019Winnie Truong

DanMay_beautifulbizarre_009Dan May

SamWolfeConnelly-beautifulbizarre_013Sam Wolfe Connelly

Michael Page_beautifulbizarre_020Michael Page

Joe Vaux_beautifulbizarre_021Joe Vaux

Heidi Tailifer_beautifulbizarre_028Heidi Tailifer

David Molesky_beautifulbizarre_029David Molesky

ac_The LakeAron Wiensenfeld

PeterFerguson_beautifulbizarre_007Peter Ferguson

Nathan Spoor_beautifulbizarre_026Nathan Spoor

Nicola Verlato_beautifulbizarre_023Nicola Verlato

Jaime Treadwell-beautifulbizarre_001Jaime Treadwell

k_Remmers_LostJoey Remmers

Ken Garduno_beautifulbizarre_024Ken Garduno

JulianCallos_beautifulbizarre_014Julian Callos

Scott Musgrove_beautifulbizarre_008Scott Musgrove

Jason Snyder_beautifulbizarre_017Jason Snyder

RobSato_beautifulbizarre_012Rob Sato


About Author

Danijela Krha Purssey is an entrepreneur, and the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Australian based international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. She is deeply passionate and committed to her vision to help shift the paradigm in the global contemporary arts industry regarding what is defined and accepted as contemporary art.


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