Here’s a look at the incredible work of Etam Cru, aka Sainer and Bezt. Two Polish street artists who create phenomenal murals throughout Europe. Both artists graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Poland, where they met and began to collaborate in 2010. They express themselves through a combination of graphic design, murals, and oil and acrylic on canvas.
Etam Cru mostly do huge murals together, giving them both room to do their own thing, with their self expressed, “Etam Style,” meeting somewhere in the middle.
They’ve done pieces on buildings up to ten stories high! When they work on canvas, they work individually, this is where you will see the unique differences in their work. The contrast between their murals and their canvas pieces is quite amazing, however, you can clearly still see that signature “Etam Style”.
Etam Cru
Both artists are very secure in saying that their work is just them painting, there’s no special meaning behind their pieces, or the symbols they’re known to use… to them, “they’re just symbols”. They leave their work up to the interpretation of the viewer. Individuals are allowed to feel what they feel, and come to their own conclusions on what a piece might mean to them. It seems as long as they’re painting, they’re happy guys!
Extremely humble, very low key, just two dudes who feel lucky and blessed to be doing what they love. Trying to interview or photograph these guys is another thing all together…they are very elusive. They try to stick to the work, and not focus on the hype. Sainer was asked about his inspirations, and he was quoted in a very rare interview explaining, “I want to say that I’m a painter, not a story teller.”
I love that they don’t feel as though the work needs a lot of talk, it speaks for itself.
The duo gained international recognition when they traveled to the U.S. for the very first time, to do a piece in Richmond. The piece, called “Moonshine,” was ranked as the 3rd best piece of street art in the world in 2013. Please enjoy some of their work below.
There’s also individual works from Sainer and Betz, however, it all adds up to the dynamic duo known as Etam Cru.

For more information visit their Facebook page:
Or their website: