Quick Q & A: How does art add value to society?
Excerpt from Issue 40 // March 2023 Quick Q & A editorial: Yousuke Kawashima, Kim Anderson [Honourable Mention, 2022…
July 22, 2023Excerpt from Issue 40 // March 2023 Quick Q & A editorial: Yousuke Kawashima, Kim Anderson [Honourable Mention, 2022…
July 22, 2023Excerpt from Issue 39 // December 2022 Quick Q & A editorial: Kristen Egan, Jenni Pasanen, Elizabeth Blair…
June 14, 2023Issue 40 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with fantasy art legend Kinuko Y. Craft’s enchanting painting “Sweet Helen” on the…
March 6, 2023Dear beautiful bizarre friends, The December 2022 Issue 39 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with Latvian artist Jana Brike’s…
January 26, 2023Issue 39 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with Jana Brike’s evocative and impassioned painting “Dusk in the Garden” is on…
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