
Artist Directory: Saskia Huitema

Saskia Huitema is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory

Saskia Huitema (1975) is a self-taught Dutch acrylic painter who lives in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her passion for painting started at a later stage in life and her art has evolved ever since. Saskia’s work is recognizable by the use of color, crisp details, and narrative content.


Saskia has exhibited her paintings at galleries, museums and other venues since 2015. Since 2020 she has created work for @78 Tarot and in 2024 she was accepted into the Dutch ‘Masters of Realism’. Her paintings have been adopted by collectors both nationally and internationally.

Saskia Huitema’s main focus is on portraits and figures of women, but nature, animals and birds also find their way in her paintings. 

Saskia is working on a surrealistic series of paintings titled ‘Realms’ in which she explores perspectives, landscapes and different story settings for her subjects. Common thread in these works is a blue feather which at times seems to lead toward another realm, beckoning the subject or viewer to step through an aperture, on a quest to ultimately find the goal one yearns for. Symbolism is also a theme in Saskia’s fantasy Tarot / Oracle paintings. 


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Saskia Huitema Social Media Accounts

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