
The Bold and Dramatic Paintings of Eugen Varzić 

Eugen Varzić paints life and has devoted decades of his existence to his art. With a focus on figurative art, he could attract labels such as hyperrealism or realism, Eugen prefers to say he is ‘painting life’. Eugen Varzić is a powerhouse of energy and productivity, and his paintings are infused with the same exuberance and vitality. He is a full-time artist with a portfolio that includes public sculptures, illustration, murals, design, and his specialty – painting. Based in Croatia, he has collaborated internationally, and has works in private and public collections worldwide.

A Life of Learning

Whilst still a child Eugen held the self-belief that he would be a painter. Driven to hone his skills and techniques, he sought out the highest standard of tuition available from all over the world. Conversed in traditional techniques, he immerses himself in contemporary themes. Eugen is enormously prolific and embraces challenges…he sees opportunities to learn everywhere, in everything.

Today I live my boyhood dream wrapped up in this crazy time in which we live and I did not count on when I had that dream.

The bold and dramatic paintings that Eugen produces are developed with careful consideration given to the story, secret, message, psychology, or narrative. Eugen explains that he doesn’t want the viewer to be solely impressed by technique, he wants the viewer to be captivated by the expression, the emotion, the mystery – to look beyond the outer to what lives inside the painting and subject. The gallery experience becomes an interaction between the viewer and the painting.

Not Just a Pretty Face

Eugen regards his models to be actors, bringing to life the script and scene he has envisioned. He has enormous gratitude for the family and friends who have had the courage and generosity to support his process, praising their bravery to be costumed, covered in colourful, surprising – even disturbing make-up, and to have the paintings of their faces prominently displayed on a large scale. The faces are powerful. Eugen carefully selects the faces, eyes, and hands to engage with the visual story to be created, and the finished works transcend mere physical representation to reflect the dynamic themes.

‘All Your Paintings Are OK’ was so titled after a brief text from Eugen’s father in response to years of hard work and successes. This retrospective was presented in a celebrated exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik.

The exhibition ‘The End’ was held in late 2021, comprising of paintings brought to life during lockdowns. Eugen found the previous two years exhausting and full of uncertainty, yet also full of opportunities. Never one to remain still, he pushed forward with new paintings, grasping new ways to market and exhibit his work. Under Eugen’s guidance, ‘The End’ is not a final stop, it signifies a cycle whereby there is always a new beginning.

Almost every day I put to myself numerous questions, the only answer to which is creating.

Eugen Varzic art

The Life That Lies Ahead

Constantly looking for challenges, he is now experimenting with new processes, new paint applications, and in a departure from his very large scale paintings, Eugen has been painting on almost a miniature scale. He has intentions of including landscapes and nudes in new works.

Eugen Varzić Social Media Accounts

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