Every month we choose one of our favourite creatives to TAKE OVER Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s social media for the day. In October, we chose Yasha Young to share some of the artists who inspire her. Yasha Young Projects is a proud sponsor of the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2020: learn more HERE!
Just in case you missed it, we present the full TAKE OVER below.

Yasha Young //

Jeremy Geddes // “Ascent”. As times are uncertain and we are all lost in the darkness before a new dawn, we have to trust our visions and ideas our emotions to guide us through. We are all in this every single one of us… let’s not forget that. A connected human experience, and like the astronaut, we float and we search and we will discover new things about ourselves and about a way forward.

Adam Caldwell // “Red Veil #4”. This is a reminder not to slow down in the fight for equality for all. Seeing red is in order but not with clouded judgement! Use your infrared vision to detect the hidden messages from those who are trying to fool us with their loud voices. November must bring change.

Agnes Toth // “Empathy”. The expression “falling to pieces” comes to mind when I look at this piece of work, and the world around us. Let’s remember that life and the pandemic has smashed so many things into a thousand pieces.. maybe you were amongst the lucky ones maybe you feel like the rug was pulled from beneath you. The only thing that will help us is empathy and compassion; help one another to help us all.

Beth Conklin // “When Women Were Birds”. I feel this painting, all of it… the freedom of being alive, the power I have as a human being to change the world. As a child, I had dreams of flying by simply spreading my arms I would take off. Fly above cities, oh, and I could breathe under water too. That’s the beauty for dreaming, you can do anything you want and dreams are just messages from your soul telling you to go find a way to make it reality.

Dominic Beyeler // “Nobody”. I meet many women who are lost in the expectations of this social media beauty world. They feel like getting lost in the waves of the same and more of the same. The need to look like someone else and the harsh steps some women take to play a part in the game of eternal youth and uniformity is heartbreaking. You are made of star dust and already are a star. You are beautiful and your imperfections set you apart. I am albino with progressive albinism all over my body barely visible now as I am finishing my transformation to 90% but when I was younger, I as partially white and tan in my face and my body. It was the 80’s and not “fashionable” to look different. Freak was the word. I know what being bullied means. Don’t let anyone tell you what you have to be or who you are. You are you and that’s the most beautiful and more than enough.
Henrik Aa. Uldalen // There is a song by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals called “Falling or flying” especially the chorus lines “are we falling or flying are we living or dying” touch me and connect me to this painting. Falling in or out of love or a life changing event as we have so many these days can both feel like flying or dying. When we fly high, and I don’t mean drugs, maybe just high on an experience or feeling, we all must come down eventually and this can feel a lot like falling endlessly in a black abyss. But in both experiences, there is beauty to be found somehow. I am sure of it. And if I should be mistaken, than I go with the Sufi poets “this too shall pass”…

Tim Okamura // “Everybody VS Injustice” and that’s just it. Enough said – never enough done. We have got to continue to rise and we will especially now that visionary and my hero Rose Ginsburg has left such a huge space open to be filed we have to protect our freedom from being abused. And we have to do it together.
This was the last piece chosen by Yasha Young for her TAKE OVER. Thank you again Yasha, we really appreciate you taking the time to put this day together.