
Dark Art Society 2 / Roadside Attractions lV @ Copro Gallery

Prepare for a smorgasbord of delights dedicated to dark art! In this special month of October, Copro Gallery have two exceedingly dark and surreal group shows exhibiting side by side, by two very noteworthy curators. In one half, you can now enjoy Dark Art Society Part Two, curated by Chet Zar. And in the other half of Copro Gallery, delve into Roadside Attractions IV curated by Cris Velasco.

Dark Art Society 2 / Roadside Attractions lV

Dates: October 10 – November 7, 2020

MASKS REQUIRED & SOCIAL DISTANCING – 5 People admitted at a time. Please pre-book your visit with the gallery as there are limited slots.

Bergamot Station Arts Complex, 2525 Michigan Ave, Unit T5, Santa Monica, CA 90404

Contact: Gary Pressman, Gallery Director Copro Gallery at [email protected] or tel: 310/829-2156.

These two exhibitions work together with true harmony. Many of the artists exhibiting have been interviewed on the well-known Dark Art Society podcast, hosted by dark artist and curator Chet Zar. Chet is a well-known creator. He has worked across the fine art, music and movie industries to bring his visions to the wider world, doing everything from creating digital animations for the band Tool’s live shows, to creating characters for Guillermo del Toro films. The Dark Art Society itself is a cooperative of Dark Artists, led by Chet Zar. Impressively, the society pools together resources to provide valuable information to artists, collectors and the general public, to promote this genre of and support the greater good of the Dark Art movement.

Igor Krstic goat painting Dark Art Society
Igor Krstic: Dream. Dark Art Society Part 2.

Cris Velasco, curator of the Roadside Attractions IV show, is one of the largest collectors of Dark Art in LA. A multiple award-winning composer of music for video games, film and television, Cris has become one of the most sought-after composers in interactive entertainment. The scores he has created have been featured in many major titles, including Resident Evil 7, Bloodborne, The Invisible Hours, The Long Dark, Company of Heroes 2, Mass Effect 2-3, Borderlands 1-2, Warhammer: Space Marine, God of War 1-3, Tron: Evolution and Darksiders. Additionally, he currently also has two TV shows: Dimension 404 and Freakish, airing on Hulu and HBO.

Brad Gray dark art Copro Gallery
Brad Gray: After the Murder. Roadside Attractions IV.

Copro Gallery was founded in 1992 by Joe Copro, Greg Escalante and Douglas Nason to support emerging artists and publish the highest quality limited edition prints. Copro Gallery also became a base for assisting and curating museum exhibitions which it continues to do.

The gallery is divided into two exhibition spaces, sometimes featuring a single artist but often two or three. Large group exhibitions are also featured often in conjunction with outside curators. In following with its original mission, Copro participates in International Art Fairs and curates outside exhibits to help promote their artists. Focusing on museum quality installations showcasing emerging artists, Copro also exhibits many established and master painters. Placing works in private collections throughout the world, Copro strives to assist collectors new and experienced in building the most exciting collections possible.

Bill Norrby nude female Copro Gallery
Bill Norrby: Untitled. Roadside Attractions IV.
Chet Zar dark art creature Copro Gallery
Chet Zar: The Thing in the Basement. Roadside Attractions IV.

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About Author

Based in the UK, Natalia Joruk enjoys a life surrounded by art, nature, and curious trinkets. As Deputy Editor, she's worked closely with the Editor-in-Chief for over a decade, supporting with the design and growth of Beautiful Bizarre and the maintenance of the annual Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. Natalia also oversees sponsor partnerships for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, and distribution of the magazine, so drop her an email if you know someone who would like to sponsor or stock! She also writes for both the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine website and print publication. One of her favourite perks is getting to know artists, gallery owners and their teams personally, so feel free to email her if there is anything she can help you with – or just to connect.


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