
Check out some of the amazing Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Traditional Art entries!

Adam Lupton-beautiful bizarre art prize-traditional entry

There is now just a little under 2 months left to enter the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize! So to inspire you to submit your own work, we are excited to share some of the amazing entries we have received so far in the INPRNT Traditional Art Award category.

If you would like to get your work published in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, win US$10,000 cash, see your work exhibited alongside 80+ of the best contemporary artists in the prestigious annual Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition, win advertising packages, and of course receive worldwide exposure for your work – enter today! Entries close 17 July 2020 [Australian Eastern Standard Time].

Global Exposure + Over US$35,000 Worth of Cash & Prizes to be Won!

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize celebrates diversity and excellence in the representational visual arts, in all static mediums including Traditional Art media, Digital Art media, and Photographic media; and all styles from realism and hyperrealism, to pop surrealism and lowbrow. The Prize seeks to inspire creatives from around the world to pursue a life and career in the arts, and to help careers grow through funding and increased exposure of their work to galleries, collectors and media globally.

INPRNT Traditional Art Award

  • US$3,000 cash, generously donated by sponsor INPRNT, printers of high quality art prints. INPRNT is run by artists, for artists
  • The opportunity to exhibit in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition at Modern Eden Gallery [San Francisco] alongside 80+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists
  • Exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
  • 3 month social media advertising package (Beautiful Bizarre Magazine: 1 million + followers across all social platforms)
  • $100 gift voucher from Poposition Press, publishers of amazing limited edition pop up books created with contemporary artists
  • Exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites + shared on social media
  • A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine

1st Prize [Overall Winner]

The Overall Winner of the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2020 will receive:

2020 Award Categories

Entry fee is US$40 to cover administrative costs. Enter the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize today via the

Take a peek at some of the wonderful entries we have received so far in the INPRNT Traditional Art Award category below

Adam Mccarthy-tribal women-skull-beautiful bizarre art prize 2020 - INPRNT Traditional entry
Adam McCarthy
“Inferno”, Oil on Panel, 36 x 48″
Autumn Skye Morrison - dust to stardust - portrait - painting - beautiful bizarre art prize 2020 - INPRNT Traditional art
Autumn Skye Morrison
“Dust to Stardust”, Acrylic and gold leaf on panel, 60 x 80cm
Heidi Taillefer
“Silkworm”, Oil on canvas, 44 x 60″
Phillip A Singer - the outsider - flying octoups - beautiful bizarre art prize 2020 - INPRNT traditional art
Philip A Singer
“The Outsider”, Oil on linen, 32 x 60″
Tanya Atanasova - boudoir of alessandro - painting - beautiful bizarre art prize 2020 - INPRNT traditional art
Tanya Atanasova
“Boudoir Portrait of Alessandro”, Oil on canvas, 70 x 70cm
Brian Atchley
“Eye of Providence”, Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 60″
Alessandra Pisano
“Eternal Bond”, Oil painting, 24 x 37″



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About Author

Danijela Krha Purssey is an entrepreneur, and the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Australian based international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. She is deeply passionate and committed to her vision to help shift the paradigm in the global contemporary arts industry regarding what is defined and accepted as contemporary art.


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