
On the Periphery Group Show @ Abend Gallery


Abend Gallery is known for its ability to share the best in figurative art, and their latest show ‘On the Periphery’ once again doesn’t fail to impress. Featuring three very distinctive contemporary artists, Abend Gallery excitedly invites you to join them for their opening reception this Friday, September 2, as Benjamin Björklund, Felicia Forte and Lindsey Kustusch take centre stage.

“Each of these three artists’ works reflect the aspects of their respective worlds that speak to them the most” explains Chris Serr, curator. “What makes them unique as individual artists is also what connects them: Björklund, Kustusch, and Forte all imbue their work with true heart and passion.”

On the Periphery: Benjamin Björklund + Felicia Forte + Lindsey Kustusch


Exhibition Dates:

September 2 – October 1, 2016

Opening Reception:

Friday, September 2, 6-9 pm

Featured Artists:

Benjamin Björklund | Felicia Forte | Lindsey Kustusch

Abend Gallery

2260 E Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80206

For more information, additional images, or exclusive content, please contact Chris Serr at 720-404- 5074

Hours: Tue-Sat, 10-6 pm.

Lindsey Kustusch

Based in San Francisco, Lindsey Kustusch’s oil paintings capture a perfect equilibrium between the realistic beauty and (just as important) gritty notes of the Bay area surrounding her home environment. Though architechture is often at the core, Lindsey’s works are brimming with life, echoing a world sculpted by human hands even when no individuals are present within the painting.

kustusch-lindsey-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_bizarre_005When Our Walk Began

kustusch-lindsey-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_bizarre_004Somewhere near Home

kustusch-lindsey-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_bizarre_006The Old Planet

kustusch-lindsey-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_bizarre_003Final Stop

kustusch-lindsey-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_bizarre_002A Curious Silence

Felicia Forte

Based in Detroit, Felicia Forte’s enigmatic and boldly colourful paintings not only enact a visual autobiography, but go further to provide a tonic to the everyday mundane; from her perceptions of a simple moment in time to her enlightening self portraits, the depth and use of lighting produce some truly encapturing pieces in this collection.

forte-felicia-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_Bizarre_006Rag and Bone

forte-felicia-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_Bizarre_004Black Dog

forte-felicia-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_Bizarre_003Self-portrait, Evening

forte-felicia-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_Bizarre_002Self-portrait, Rouge Bingo

forte-felicia-Abend_Gallery_beautiful_Bizarre_001Date Night

Benjamin Björklund

Swedish painter Benjamin Björklund shares a selection of his works with a critically stark and emotive resolution, bringing forth deeply psychological undertones and an almost unnerving stance with his stylized use of picking up on only the most prevalent features of his subjects. With past careers including working as a prison night guard and psychiatric nurse, Benjamin draws upon his experiences to influence his more current creations.

bjorklund-benjamin-abend_gallery_beautiful_bizarre_005Medelhavet 3

bjorklund-benjamin-abend_gallery_beautiful_bizarre_004Two Heads

bjorklund-benjamin-abend_gallery_beautiful_bizarre_003Gwyneth 1

bjorklund-benjamin-abend_gallery_beautiful_bizarre_001A in Uppsala

bjorklund-benjamin-abend_gallery_beautiful_bizarre_002Different Age


About Author

Based in the UK, Natalia Joruk enjoys a life surrounded by art, nature, and curious trinkets. As Deputy Editor, she's worked closely with the Editor-in-Chief for over a decade, supporting with the design and growth of Beautiful Bizarre and the maintenance of the annual Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. Natalia also oversees sponsor partnerships for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, and distribution of the magazine, so drop her an email if you know someone who would like to sponsor or stock! She also writes for both the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine website and print publication. One of her favourite perks is getting to know artists, gallery owners and their teams personally, so feel free to email her if there is anything she can help you with – or just to connect.


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