
Swapnil Nevgi is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory

Swapnil Nevgi is a self-taught artist currently residing in Brisbane, Australia, originally from the coastal town of Goa, India. Born in 1978, art has been Swapnil’s passion since the age of three. He moved to Brisbane in 2001 to pursue further studies in advertising, design and IT and has worked in the corporate world for 10+ years. He quit his full-time employment in 2017 to pursue his passion for art.

Artist Directory

Swapnil’s artwork style is inspired by the great traditional paintings of the masters of realism from the past whose art evokes emotions centuries later. He primarily works with oil colors and renders his paintings with realistic intricate details. He finds great pleasure in rendering his art realistic and true to life. Intrigued by life in nature he really enjoys capturing wildlife and landscapes, both on canvas and on his camera. For him it is a lot more than just painting a pretty picture. He spends a lot of time in nature amongst flora and fauna to experience and capture the mood of the moment that he can translate into works of art.


Swapnil Nevgi loves expressing emotional encounters with nature through his passion for art. He wants you to feel happiness too. He has been exploring birds and wildlife as his subject matter in the last few years and has plans to explore other subjects that life touches on in the coming years. You can expect his art to radiate a lot of happiness and positivity.


He strongly believes that indulging in pleasure that hides in these divine small moments of life can make a huge difference to a very stressful life that humans have adopted for themselves. His purpose of creating art is to pass those happy vibes of life to you through his art.


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Swapnil Nevgi Social Media Accounts

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