
Lesley Thiel Figurative Painter: Interview

Lesley Thiel, Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory member provides some fascinating insights into her practice and experience as a figurative painter, as she responds to the questions below:

  • What type of art do you create and what motivates you to make it?
  • What is your biggest pain point as an artist?
  • Tell us about an important life moment that influenced the direction of your work, and how.
  • How has social media changed your practice?

What type of art do you create and what motivates you to make it?

I’m never sure how to categorize my art, because it varies a little as I progress through series. It’s definitely a type of realism, so magical realism edging into surrealism is probably the best description. I’m fascinated by the natural world and our relationship to it. I find it magical, just as our ancestors used to do. So many of their stories were about the hidden and the magical and, in a world that seems to want to make everything mundane and controlled, I find that wildness and unpredictability to be soul food.

What is your biggest pain point as an artist?

Dealing with the business side of being an artist, which is something I think I have in common with many of my compatriots. I just want to paint, to have ideas, to enjoy the work of other artists, and to share the world with them.

Tell us about an important life moment that influenced the direction of your work, and how.

I had moved to the USA from the UK, where I was already established as an artist. Being unknown in the USA, I took the opportunity to change the direction my work had taken. It wan’t plain sailing, at first, but I eventually landed on the work that expressed what I was trying to say. I was, and always have been, deeply influenced by Pre-Raphaelite and Symbolist painting. I find it incredibly beautiful, and love the way it often integrates nature into its themes and tells complex stories. I wanted to be able to paint like Millet or Waterhouse, but to take my ideas in new directions.

How has social media changed your practice?

I have a real love hate relationship with social media, but there is no doubt that it has changed my practice enormously. It’s introduced me to amazing opportunities, such as the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Art Prize, which I would never have found if it weren’t for social media. It’s allowed me to get to know and become friends with numerous artists and supporters of the arts.

If I’m trying to find out about a gallery, then social media gives me a chance to get a feel for their ethos. Life as an artist tends to be lived in isolation, and it gives a feeling of connection to my day. It has forced me to think differently about how I present my work, and how I present myself to the world. This has helped firm up the story I tell about why I create my work.

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