Nico Pearleyes is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
Nico Pearleyes is a French graphic designer and painter. He started painting during the lockdown in 2020 and quickly discovered it was what he had been seeking for years to express his ideas. He has lived in South Korea 3 times and it has significantly influenced his artistic practice.

He is interested by how art influences us, how visual representations convey ideas and ideologies, and how they have shaped human societies by representing reality and life. He believes that we do not see a reality outside of ourselves as if our eyes were windows. Instead, the world is “built” through the mix of multicultural representations and art. With that logic, he redesigns landscapes with impossible shapes and blend perspectives from different eras and cultures. These can include East Asian isometry, Renaissance linear perspective alongside influences from sci-fi, medieval paintings, religious art, and Korean folklore.

The core message of his work is that art shapes the world, and reality is a constructed experience. As artists and humans, we possess immense poetic freedom to redefine everything according to our vision. This transformation begins not only by changing the external world but by starting with our internal representations.

As Proust said, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes”.