
Artist Directory: Richard A Williams

Richard A Williams is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory

Besides having opposable thumbs, Richard A Williams has been an illustrator for many years working for many well-known publishers, and companies. After leaving that field, he dabbled in portraiture for a while working for major portrait companies in the U.S. Later he developed a desire to teach and with the help of “low friends in high places” was able leapfrog from an associate’s degree in humanities to a master’s degree in Illustration and entered the education arena.

Artist Directory

Never having had the benefit of formal art training Richard’s views on art and methods may seem scatter shot and quirky. How he managed to get this far he can only attribute to the occasional altruistic individuals Richard has met along the way who gave him aid and comfort and a boost up. 

The major theme in Richard A Williams’ work is “Woman” The Mythical Goddess, the source of life and the dark chthonic sensuality they exude. The Divine feminine suppressed by patriarchal society makes a resurgence in Burlesque. Exquisitely decadent and provocative, and aware of her strength and power over men who are reduced to silly ineffectual creatures bumbling around her.

When puberty kicked in, he was magically transported to the voluptuous realm of female sexuality. The power of their bodies to turn a man’s brain into oatmeal was an awe-inspiring phenomenon and the desire to relinquish his soul to the pleasures of the flesh was quite alarming. Burlesque was long dead when Richard saw his first “girlie show” at the local State Fair. It was, he found out later, a pale reproduction of the genuine article. Yet it fascinated him then, and still does. The sparkling costumes and headdresses, opera gloves, and pasties accentuated the dancers’ sexuality, transforming her into a primal goddess. She conceives and destroys, brings joy and despair, true light and true darkness, wet dreams and nightmares.

The theme of Richard’s work is “Ecce Homo” which is Latin for “your place or mine”. And his mission is to undermine our pedestrian culture, abolish our bourgeois morality and confront the darkest, nastiest, gooiest depths of our souls….or something like that. 

 Every idea or inspiration that comes to his mind he twists, manipulates, exaggerates and push over the top. Innocence is boring and sincerity breeds’ misery. Richard likes his art and women, voluptuous and elegant with a touch of sin and depravity. Burlesque has become a mythical fantasy for him. Women, for thousands of years, have rouged their lips and swayed their hips as they danced their way across the luminous arc of man’s sexual pathology. From Temple Priestess to Burly Q queen, in incarnation after incarnation, they have been the “Constant”, the “Divine Devil”, the “Madonna Whore”, the “Alpha and Omega” which the male species cringes before and is desperate to possess and repress.

 To sum up. Men are the loose change in Mother Nature’s cosmic handbag. There is not enough there to buy anything worthwhile, just enough to be annoying.

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About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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