
Quarantine Events Brutally Honest Oracle: your art questions answered, no holds barred

“Social media is broken.” declares Darren Green, co-founder of Quarantine Events. This single – but significant – idea has been the driving force for Quarantine Events to review everything. How can they best connect with like-minded artists and help creatives who need it? How can they continue to build an international community, a place where artists seeking answers can access honest advice far away from judgement, and AI bots policing their every post? The answer unveiled itself – and the Brutally Honest Oracle was born.

The concept is simple: to get back to the roots of direct communication. You ask a (preferably genuine, from the soul) question, you get a (no holds barred, brutally honest) answer from their oracles, made up of their highly experienced coaches and mentors.

For this to work, Quarantine Events has thrown social media far out of the picture. They have returned to a delectable source of communication void of third-party control and data scraping. They have returned to the ever-surviving form of the bespoke newsletter. And that’s right – it’s free! Get ready for the Brutally Honest Oracle answering your artistic questions every fortnight.

The twist

Of course, this wouldn’t be Quarantine Events without a twist. At the heart of their incentive to provide a safe space where questions can be answered with truth, there lies an “indispensable quality for this oracle to work”: the answers must all be anonymous.

Each question chosen promises to be answered by one or more oracles, allowing artists to receive multiple points of view. Sometimes contradictory, always opening the mind, the anonymous oracles promise to give you their informed advice based on years of expertise.


You will never know who’s on the other side of the crystal ball. If you knew which mentor was responding, the oracle would be corrupted, just like social media.

Why the anonymity?

If you have managed to go through life using the internet and never once been on the receiving end of some unwarranted offence, you are one of the rare few. From people being ridiculed for asking genuine questions to response videos based on someone else’s response video, the internet – and especially social media – is often a knotted loop of knee-jerk opinions and ego topped with a sprinkling of finely distributed unnecessary criticism.

There are, of course, well maintained “safe spaces”; closely monitored online communities with rules and regulations to instil order and security. These can be shining beacons for like-minded individuals and provide positive experiences. But there will always be capacity for uninvited voices to ruin the vibe within any public platform where genuine conversations may be trying to take place. In the world of social media, every piece of ourselves that we put out there is laid bare for others to do with as they wish. It can be vulnerable and draining. But there is another way. As the Quarantine Events team put it: “email lets us keep our dignity”.

This anonymity also works both ways; those asking the questions can also stay anonymous when submitting. The beauty is that this concept focuses on what matters most: the exchange of knowledge.

There’ll be delightful chaos, contradiction, and paradox. It’s an Oracle! But answers will always be informed and from the experienced.

What kind of questions can be asked?

While artists are encouraged to use their common sense when drafting questions, there is no limit to what – or how many questions – can be asked. “An honest answer requires an honest question. So, be brutally sincere.” Suggests Carles Gomila, Artist & Quarantine Events Director.

“Ask anything about using fear and vulnerability to make art. Anything about the creative process. Anything about how to be an artist. Anything about art education… Just don’t be annoying, and use common sense.” Says their handy FAQ.

The team will be grouping answers for the Brutally Honest Oracle by theme, so with Oracles giving their answers every fortnight, you may have to be patient. Rest assured, however, that each newsletter will have plenty to inspire you.


You don’t need to ask a question to be a part of the Quarantine Events Community

If you’re feeling apprehensive about getting involved, it’s important to remember that the Quarantine team welcome all curious creatives. You don’t even need to input a question to enjoy the Oracle newsletter; just sign up via their website and wait for the fun to glide into your inbox! From exploring self-identity neurosis to career advice and everything in between, the Brutally Honest Oracles are here to guide you, free of judgement.

As someone who receives hundreds of emails a day, sometimes it is hard not to feel overwhelmed when I open my inbox. Believe me when I say that the Brutally Honest Oracle is a breath of fresh air. These oracles’ answers will make your brain tick and fizz. Maybe you’ll be inspired to overcome an internal block or two.

We can all do with a little nudge to bring more art into our lives.

Quarantine Social Media Accounts + additional blogs

Website | Brutally Honest Oracle | The Art Spirit 2025

About Author

Based in the UK, Natalia Joruk enjoys a life surrounded by art, nature, and curious trinkets. As Deputy Editor, she's worked closely with the Editor-in-Chief for over a decade, supporting with the design and growth of Beautiful Bizarre and the maintenance of the annual Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. Natalia also oversees sponsor partnerships for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, and distribution of the magazine, so drop her an email if you know someone who would like to sponsor or stock! She also writes for both the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine website and print publication. One of her favourite perks is getting to know artists, gallery owners and their teams personally, so feel free to email her if there is anything she can help you with – or just to connect.


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