Into the mysterious depths of the unknown, The Dark Art Emporium invites us to become dwellers of the night, like ancient cave explorers. Join us as we immerse ourselves in the exciting solo exhibition of Vespertine Barroco and experience the “The Forbidden Experiment of the Night Womb” series and curated group show. This thought-provoking exhibition features a wonderful lineup of artists and delves into the enigmatic world of caves, offering a unique perspective on the hidden wonders that lie beneath the Earth’s surface. Come there with us…
View each collection in their entirety by visiting the gallery website! Time travel and see previous exhibitions – view available artworks by visiting their website! If you haven’t discovered The Art Pit DAE Podcast, now’s the time. The Jeremys (as in Jeremy Schott – Owner and Jeremy Cross – Assistant Director) discuss all things art, music, movies, and more. Episodes are available to stream using Soundcloud via DAE’s website or their YouTube channel.

Vespertine Barroco
“The Forbidden Experiment of the Night Womb”
The Dark Art Emporium
Opening Reception: Saturday, February, 3, 2024 | 5-9pm
Exhibition Dates: February 3 – 29 2024
121 W. 4th Street, Long Beach, California 90802
Friday & Saturday 12 – 7pm | Sunday 12 – 5pm
Located in Downtown Long Beach within The 4th Horseman
For additional information and purchase availability please contact [email protected]

Press Release // From the Artist
“The Forbidden Experiment of the Night Womb is a series and group show which explores the cave – a dark, primal space, home to strange creatures foreign to sunlight, and source of the earliest known art. Some have theorized that prehistorically these locations served purposes related to spiritual/religious practices, possibly involving altered states of consciousness, and perhaps our original artworks are relics of this. Join us as we we delve into the earth once more, in hope of perceiving and explaining what it means to be human”

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