We hope you have enjoyed our week of reveals! The Winners of each Award [RAYMAR Traditional Art Award, Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award, INPRNT Photography Award, iCanvas Digital Art Award] have now been announced. Aren’t they all incredible?
Now it’s time for the biggest reveal yet! Below we unveil the Grand Prize Winner of the 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, the seven Honourable Mentions selected by each of this year’s wonderful gold sponsors, Directors of Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, and our Editor-in-Chief Danijela Krha Purssey, PLUS the Winner of the ArtStation People’s Choice Award, which saw our amazing community contribute over 11,586 votes from 106 different countries!
Thank you to everyone that voted for the People’s Choice Award. We sincerely appreciate your thoughts and opinions!
As an international ambassador of the arts, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s long term vision for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is to make contemporary representational art accepted, valued and respected, alongside traditional “high brow art” in homes and cultures around the world. Now it its 5th year, the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize already surpasses all known Australian and many international prizes both in volume and caliber of entries!
Our Thanks
I would like to once again sincerely thank the 2022 Jury Panel: Dan dos Santos (Digital Art juror), Martin Wittfooth (Traditional Art juror), Joan Coderch and Javier Malavia of CODERCH & MALAVIA (Sculpture jurors), and Bella Kotak [1st Prize winner of the Photography award 2021] (Photography juror), as well as the Directors of Modern Eden Gallery, Kim Larson and Bradley Platz, and Founder of Quirky Fox, Vicki Fox. I would also like to thank our amazing major partners: INPRNT, RAYMAR, Yasha Young Projects, iCanvas and ArtStation for their support of this year’s Prize. It is through their generous contributions that we are able to assist the Winners to grow and develop their practice through cash and amazing product and service prizes, and of course receive the visibility their work deserves.
Finally I would like to thank the Beautiful Bizarre team for their dedication and hard work over the many months it takes to put the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize together and administer it.
On behalf of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and the global arts community: thank you for once again championing the Arts. This kind of support and backing of the representational visual arts is important now more than ever – so thank you, we are deeply grateful!
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine will continue our work to ensure that the 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize adds even more value to artists globally. The 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize will open on 1 February 2023, so to ensure you don’t miss the news, please join the email mailing list here.
‘Halcyon Days’ Exhibition
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize Winners in each Award category, and the Grand Prize Winner of the 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize have been invited to participate in this year’s Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition ‘Halcyon Days‘, at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco later this year. We look forward to presenting their work as part of this prestigious annual exhibition! These works will be shared in the coming weeks leading up to the opening.
‘Halcyon Days’ opens on 5 November and the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine will be in attendance. We hope to see many of you at the special opening reception!
The entire exhibition will also also be available to enjoy online. If you would like to be added to the Collector’s Preview, please email Gallery Director, Kim Larson at [email protected].
Grand Prize Winner of the 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize
The Grand Prize Winner will receive:
- US$13,500 cash prize! Generously donated by sponsors RAYMAR, INPRNT, iCanvas, Yasha Young Projects and ArtStation.
- Receive a beautiful, specially commissioned glass art award trophy.
- A coupon to enjoy Linktree PRO for free for 12 months.
- The opportunity to exhibit in the prestigious annual Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition alongside 80+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists at Modern Eden Gallery, in San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
- Print editorial in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
- Exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites + shared on social media.
- 12 month social media advertising package (Beautiful Bizarre Magazine: 1 million+ followers across all social platforms).
- A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
- + most importantly, receive worldwide exposure!
Winner of the ArtStation People’s Choice Award
The ArtStation People’s Choice Award winner will receive:
- US$2,000 cash, generously donated by ArtStation. ArtStation provides you with a simple, yet powerful way to show your portfolio and be seen by the right people in the industry. Host your website, sell your products and learn.
- 12 month social media advertising package (Beautiful Bizarre Magazine: 1 million+ followers across all socials platforms)
- Exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites + shared on social media
- A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
- + most importantly, receive worldwide exposure!!
Winners & Honourable Mentions
So without further ado, it is with great pleasure and much pride that we share with you the Grand Prize Winner of the 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, the Honourable Mentions, and the Winner of the ArtStation People’s Choice Award.
Grand Prize Winner
2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize

Kristin Kwan
Born and resides in: USA
“The Golden Afternoon”, Oil on panel, 36″ x 24″
Kristin Kwan is an artist who makes illustrative paintings and drawings. She works primarily in oil on panel, her subjects being nature, animals, and the human figure. Inspired in turns by the natural world, and by legends and myths, she uses elements of fantasy and allegory to explore themes of life, death, and rebirth. Kristin lives in Lincoln, NE, USA.
“The Golden Afternoon”: There is a time of day cherished by photographers, the golden hour, when the sun slants in a dramatic way and colours are heightened and there is an intensity to the atmosphere. I find this time of day to bring painful anxiety, the golden hour hurts. But to sit in that buzzing distraction, sweetness.
Honourable Mentions
Kim Anderson
“Only Breath and Shadows”, Ink, charcoal and graphite on paper, 100cm x 64cm
Awarded by Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Danijela Krha Purssey

Kesja Tabaczuk
“Dove and Crow”, Oil on linen, 70cm x 60cm
Awarded by RAYMAR

Ruby Hyde
“This is No Place”, Digital photography (Sony A7RIII)
Awarded by INPRNT

Nikolina Petolas
“Whispers”, Digital collage (Canon 5DSR, Procreate, Photoshop)
Awarded by iCanvas

Georgie Seccull
“She Who Demands Devotion”, Treated stainless steel, 18″ x 32″ x 19″
Awarded by Yasha Young Projects
Win Wallace
“Parishioner #8″, Charcoal, conte’, pencils, 36″ x 24”
Awarded by Modern Eden Gallery
Francesca Resta
“Ancient Stones”, Digital painting (Corel Painter)
Awarded by ArtStation
ArtStation People’s Choice Award Winner
Alex Peter Idoko
“Freedom’s Rhythm”, Fire, razorblade, sandpaper, charcoal, wood, 47″ x 36″
Congratulations to all of the Winners and Honourable Mentions!
The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is administered by Australian based, international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
The 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize