Search your creative soul and delve into the surreal nature of two exciting new solo exhibitions, opening this weekend at The Dark Art Emporium. With impassioned artistry, the visual anecdotes of Katie Gamb’s, “The Deep Green Sea” & Hanna Jaeun’s, “Unforgotten Tales” are sure to pique your curiosity with eerie dreamscape storytelling and otherworldly compositions. Into the depths of the sea and unknown darkness, let them haunt your imagination.
Join The Dark Art Emporium as they embrace the unique styles, range of interpretations, and distinction of each artist.

Katie Gamb & Hanna Jaeun
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 14, 2022 | 5-9pm
The Dark Art Emporium
121 W. 4th Street, Long Beach, California 90802
Located in Downtown Long Beach within The 4th Horseman
For additional information and purchase availability please contact: [email protected]
Show your support and help celebrate! The gallery is now open to walk-ins, no appointments necessary. Grab a bite to eat while you’re there… have some pizza and beer at @the4thhorsemanlbc then head to the back and feast your eyes on some inspiring art!
To view all available artworks, visit the DAE website! If you haven’t discovered The Art Pit DAE Podcast, now’s the time. The Jeremys (as in Jeremy Schott – Gallery Owner and Jeremy Cross – Assistant Gallery Director) discuss all things art, music, movies, and more. Episodes 1-9 are now available to stream using Soundcloud via The Dark Art Emporium website or their YouTube channel.

The Dark Art Emporium
121 W. 4th Street, Long Beach, California 90802
Located in Downtown Long Beach within The 4th Horseman
For additional information and purchase availability please contact: [email protected]
Katie Gamb, “The Deep Green Sea”
The sea has been a source of mystery and possibility for artists since we first set eyes on it. For this series, I wanted to tap into that tradition and explore some of the strange creatures that reside there, at least as the sea exists in my mind. The past two years, our worlds have shrunk, and I must be thirsting for some of the adventure that the sea represents.
Katie Gamb
Hanna Jaeun, “Unforgotten Tales”
Being around my toddler and observing his interactions with his cousins and friends stirs up long forgotten memories of my childhood. Some of those memories have faded making room for new ones. Sometimes they come back to life to haunt me. Like a ghost or spirit, they fade in and out to tell a haunted tale. My goal was to capture these moments in my work.
Hanna Jaeun