
Menton3: Into The Wood + Red Plague Group Show @ Copro Gallery

Menton3 woman and deer painting

Into the Wood, the new solo show by Menton3, is a body of new works influenced by dark fairy tales. What better way to enjoy Menton3’s lusciously gothic paintings! The solo exhibition is taking place at Copro Gallery in Santa Monica, CA; a gallery well-known for its celebration of darkly fantastical contemporary art.

Into the Wood opened at Copro Gallery on Saturday July 11th. The show will also be open for the next two Saturdays for in-gallery viewings, in-line with current social distancing regulations. Additionally, a virtual tour will also be available on Copro Gallery’s website so you can enjoy the artworks from your own home. And if you still wish to purchase your own original artwork, fear not! All pieces exhibiting are available for purchase to add to your own collections.

Menton3: Into The Wood Solo Exhibit | Red Plague Group Show

Menton3 Seraphim Copro Gallery

Exhibition Dates: July 11 – July 31, 2020

In-Gallery Viewings: Saturday, July 18 – 25, 2020 | 1:00 – 6:00pm

Wearing masks and social distancing is mandatory. Please RSVP by e-mail prior to arrival if you would like to come and see the shows.

Copro Gallery

2525 Michigan Ave. T5, Santa Monica, CA 90404.

Contact: Gary Pressman, Gallery Director on 310-829-2156 or email [email protected].

Menton3 Copro Gallery rose painting
In Her Heart
Menton3 blue hair woman Copro Gallery
Black Willow

Red Plague

Additionally, Copro Gallery presents RED PLAGUE, a small group exhibition. This year has certainly provided plenty of darker material for artists to work with, yet it isn’t the first time in history that mankind has known the suffering of plague. What better way to respond to the virus that has flung the world upside down, than by turning the experience into art?

The artists involved in RED PLAGUE have done just that, providing an eclectic display of personal truths which explore thoughts, feelings towards and personifications of the plague. Artists involved include Igor Krstic, Brad Gray, Adam McCarthy, August Vilella and Zoe Lacchei, plus many more still to be announced. Between them all, this exhibition provides a though-provoking experience spanning modern and historical connotations

Brad Gray demon painting Copro Gallery
Brad Gray – Red Plague

From the press release:

Copro Gallery presents, Menton3 ‘Into The Wood’ solo exhibit. This show will feature brand new oil paintings and airbrush mixed media artwork on paper in the theme of Dark Fairy Tales. Fairy tales are a sub-genre of folk tales and almost always involve an element of magic and good triumphing over evil. Though he has always drawn and painted, his first methodical explorations of creativity includes music, iconography, iconologia, symbolica and alchemy. All of these expressions of art reveal frozen phantasmagoric instants, realized subjective memories and encapsulated emotions.

Menton J. Matthews III / Menton3 is a self-taught painter, illustrator, and fine artist. His personal axiom is, “externalizing the internal so that resolution is a forgone conclusion.” His subject matters are drawn from daily meditation, alchemical writings, symbology, and Jungian psychology. He frequently creates his own mediums from scratch, adding to the unique property of each individual work he produces. Menton3 has an extensive history in comics and graphic novels as an illustrator, colourist, writer, cover artist, and creator. Some of his more well-known works include, The Memory Collectors, The X-Files, Transfusion, Silent Hill: Past Life, ZVR, The Fly and Monocyte. He also served as the co-creator, designer and editor of the TOME and EXPLICITUS EST LIBER art anthology series.”

Adam McCarthy - Red Plague Copro Gallery
Adam McCarthy – Red Plague
Menton3 Copro Gallery fairytales
Menton3 – White Birch

Menton3 Social Media Accounts

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Copro Gallery Social Media Accounts

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

About Author

Based in the UK, Natalia Joruk enjoys a life surrounded by art, nature, and curious trinkets. As Deputy Editor, she's worked closely with the Editor-in-Chief for over a decade, supporting with the design and growth of Beautiful Bizarre and the maintenance of the annual Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. Natalia also oversees sponsor partnerships for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, and distribution of the magazine, so drop her an email if you know someone who would like to sponsor or stock! She also writes for both the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine website and print publication. One of her favourite perks is getting to know artists, gallery owners and their teams personally, so feel free to email her if there is anything she can help you with – or just to connect.


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