
Dreamscapes Contemporary Imaginary Realism: Marcel Salome Interview

Immersed in a passion for the arts, Dreamscapes Contemporary Imaginary Realism represents artists while displaying their individual works in the Dreamscapes art books. I had the opportunity to speak with photographer and fine art printer, Marcel Salome of Imaginary Realism and explore further these distinctive books, the dreamy and surreal, and the basis of his mission’s multifaceted layers on a journey to success.

With over 270 pages of contemporary artworks in the field of Imaginary Realism, this beautiful new book houses 70+ portfolios from artists worldwide. In the interview below, learn about his process of finding artists, making a book, organizing exhibitions, and how you can submit your work. Be sure to visit their website to purchase edition six!

The Dreamscapes exhibition will be on view November 9, 2017 through February 2018 in Traun, Austria. Beautiful Bizarre Magazine will feature a preview in the coming days so stay tuned for more!

Austria,Traun, 9 November 2017 through February 2018
The Netherlands, Amsterdam, Autumn 2018
Belgium, Antwerp, Winter/Spring 2018/2019
Germany, Viechtach, Summer 2019

The 6th edition of the Dreamscapes book will have a complete new design. We strive for the highest perfection and are very experienced in printing art books. Each image is lithographed by us to get the best results in print. Before we start printing each artist will receive a proof of their pages. You have the option to choose 2 or 4 pages in the new Dreamscapes book.

The Dreamscapes books are always printed in offset on 170 grams silk paper, have a high quality binding and printed with the last ISO/Fogra standard.

Size 28 x 30 cm / 11 x 12 inch
Cover special hardcover, bound
Paper 170 grams offset
Technique full color offset
Pages between 276 and 340 pages

Marcel, I’m interested to know the origins of Dreamscapes Contemporary Imaginary Realism. Will you tell us more about the foundation of your art books and exhibitions?

As professional photographer and fine art printer, I worked since the 90’s with many artists and the American artist Michael Parkes. It was the first time that I was really touched by art after seeing his art. I never grow up with art and I had no idea that his art was called magic realism. When we worked closely on his book “The World of Michael Parkes”, he told me everything about his art and creations.

From that moment, I was more and more interested in this kind of art and found out that beside magic realism I also liked symbolism, surrealism, fantastic realism and later pop surrealism without knowing the differences in styles. In the Netherlands, we have a long tradition of what I called realism with imagination, which goes back to Hieronymus Bosch. Because of my fine art printing company, I met many people in the art business and many times (even by art critics), I was told, “this is not art, this is kitsch”. I could not understand why because when I visit museums all around the world it they are full with imaginary realistic art so why are contemporary artists in this genre not taken serious and why don’t we see it often in galleries.

This was the reason for me to do something for what I called “Contemporary Imaginary Realism”. I wanted to make a statement and started to publish the first Dreamscape(s) book in 2006 with a small Dreamscapes exhibition.

Michael Parkes – Watching Time

You organize the exhibitions and display each artist within the pages of the Dreamscapes art book. You’ve just secured the 6th edition. Congratulations! What is this process like for you? How long does it take from conceptualization to completion?

When I started with the first Dreamscapes book, my idea was to publish a book every year with the help of literary agents. I had no intention to also make exhibitions. Because of the release of the first book, I had the opportunity to put a small exhibition together with a gallery in The Netherlands. That small book release exhibition was very successful and I realized this could be something special for the future.

I set a goal to eventually have a Dreamscapes exhibition in a known museum. The whole process of finding good artists, making a book, and organizing exhibitions is a very intense process, especially if you want to do it very professionally and perfect. After the first two books and small exhibits, I saw that to show quality was very important to be taken serious. Not all artists I showed in the first two books had a unique style or a high quality. I needed to be more critical if I wanted to achieve my goal.

To make a book and an exhibition every year was not feasible for me if you approached perfection and became less important to me. Both the book and the exhibitions had to be of a high level and I did not want to publish a book that repeats itself every year. After each edition of Dreamscapes it can takes 3 years before I start with a new edition. After each edition, I need to take a step back to stay objective. It takes normally about a year- from inviting artists until the first book release exhibition.

Marek Zyga – You Have Got A Friend In Me

Speaking of the exhibition, ‘Dreamscapes’ (featuring 75 artists worldwide) opens November 9 and remains on view through February 2018. What can viewers expect to see? Where is the opening reception going to be held?

This 6th edition of Dreamscapes will start on 9 November in Traun, Austria in the foyer of Tannpapier. We show about 200 paintings and 40 sculptures from more than 50 artists all around the world. People will see all styles of imaginary realism like magic realism, surrealism, fantastic realism, symbolism and pop surrealism. On 9 November at 19.00, there will be a big vernissage and many artists will be present during the kick-off of edition 6 of Dreamscapes.

After Traun, Austria, there will be big Dreamscapes exhibitions in The Netherlands (Amsterdam), Germany (Viechtach) and Belgium. Beside these big exhibitions, we also organize smaller exhibitions in cooperation with galleries.

In all facets of life, inspiration is a formative tool for creation. What inspired you to develop and then continue your Dreamscapes project?

As I explained in the first question my inspiration was to make a statement for this kind of art but today it is more the need to make these books and exhibition to show the world contemporary imaginary realism art.

Magic realism is also often referred to as imaginary realism. Whether created through paintings, film or literature there are often diverse parallels in its allegorical narrative. What is the significance to you?

Is it an expansion or magical realism? I doubt that. It has never been said and we can read it on Wikipedia but I look at the literal translation “realism with imagination”. Does it matter whether it is magic realism or surrealism for the viewer? They are realistic paintings and sculptures with imagination without placing these art forms in both.

Each book has a distinct style and quality. What do you aim for in order to supersede that with each new edition?

I do not want to repeat myself with the books like others do and I want to continue to challenge myself. Every book I want to make it different and come up with some new artists that I never showed before. For edition 6, we have a completely new contemporary design with quotes from the artists about their work or inspiration. I will always strive for perfection and it is important for me to show the art of the artists in their best way.

Hans Kanters – Slow Motion

Micha Lobi – Alchimist

There’s a very surreal perspective of hybrid plots and visuals, where extraordinary ingredients easily couples an ordinary scene… and the result depicts magical/imaginary realism. What are some of your favorite elements and characteristics?

I am not sure if I have favorite elements or characteristics. Life and death are a common thing in imaginary realism art and I love it when there is a dark mysterious side in an artwork. Personally, I can be touched by anything from a piece of art regardless of the style. That can also be an abstract piece of art. You are attracted to something in an artwork and that in itself is magic. In 2005 I saw for the first time the artworks of Eli Tiunine and her paintings are so heavy and dark that many people don’t liked it but I was fascinated by it and it was the only thing what I still remembered from that exhibition. I have the same with the art of Shiori Matsumoto. The first impression is beauty but if you look longer, you see that the beauty has something macabre. That deep under layer in a piece of art is something that I like.

I really enjoy the work of Alberto Savinio. I know it’s hard to narrow but who are some of your favorite imaginary realism/magical realism artists?

There are so many imaginary contemporary artists that I like but of course Michael Parkes is important to me, I like his older style, his stone lithographs and sculptures. I really love the art of Shiori Matsumoto, Hans Kanters, Lukas Kandl, Marek Zyga Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni, Tomasz Kopera, David Bowers and Micha Lobi. When we talk about older masters that are not living anymore, I like Hieronymus Bosch, van Eyck brothers, Pyke Koch, Paul Delvaux, Beksi?ski, Botticelli and Da Vinci.

Take a look at Botticelli paintings Venus and Mars, Birth of Venus, Primavera or Da Vinci his painting Annunciation. For me it is imaginary realism.

The Birth of Venus
Painting by Sandro Botticelli, 1486

Painting by Andrea Solari, Andrea del Verrocchio, and Leonardo da Vinci, 1472–1475

You feature a wide-ranging scope of artists. The artwork is fascinating. If an artist would like to submit and participate in an upcoming edition of Dreamscapes, how do they go about doing this? Are you currently accepting submissions?

Yes, we accept new submissions and are always looking for new artists. After 12 years Dreamscapes, we get many requests from artists who want to be in the book or exhibitions but we are also very selective. Uniqueness and quality is very important because there also so many artists that copy other artists. Directly recognizing the artist is very important to me. New submissions for edition 7 will be put on our list but sometimes we already show them in exhibitions. By time we start with a new edition, the artist will receive an invitation from us.

Where are your art books available for purchase?

At the end of this year, we launch a complete new website with a web shop where you can buy the books, limited editions and original artwork. This website will be a platform for imaginary realism art.

What can we look forward to from Dreamscapes Imaginary Editions… what do you see on the horizon?

At first, there will be the new website at the end of this year. We will be very active on this website and come with short documentaries about artists. I always had the plan to publish more art books and limited editions for Dreamscapes artists with my “imaginary Editions”. I have a fine art printing company and we print already for many international artists.

From 2017 until 2019, we will do a couple of big Dreamscapes exhibitions. At the horizon, I see some museum exhibitions in well-known museums and at the end of the horizon; there is a real museum for Imaginary Realism art in The Netherlands.

About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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