
Interview with Yoko d’Holbachie

At once cute and strange, and perhaps mischievous and a little dangerous, Yoko d’Holbachie’s painted creatures are impossible to ignore. With zero hint of self-consciousness, they are always ready to gaze back at you. As you are taking a closer look at their multicolored features, seemingly embossed skin, and ornate fineries, they would challenge you to a staring contest. In the back of our minds, we can sense that – at the slightest hint of an invitation – they would jump out of their portals and reach us. The question is: Are we ready for them?

キュートで奇妙、ともすればいたずら好きで危険な生き物を描くYoko d’Holbachieの絵を無視するこは不可能だ。無意識に描かれている生き物たちは常に私達を見つめ返してくる。多彩な色で描かれた彼女の絵を注意深く見てみると、肌にはエンボスや装飾が施してあり、そして睨めっこを挑戦されたような感覚に陥る。そして、生き物が少しでも招待されていると感じるやいなや絵という門脈から飛び出してきそうである。問題は私たちがそれに準備ができているかということだ。

Yoko d’Holbachie

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Hello~ It’s great to have a chance to chat with you again. Has anything changed since our last interview in September 2014?

These past 2 years has been very busy. I was invited to participate in numerous shows and I created nearly 60 new paintings. I also supervised the production of an original 3D figure based on my artwork. But, because of that, I did not have enough time to reevaluate my works and challenge myself to create new things.

こんにちは~ またインタビューの機会を頂き有難う御座います。2014の9月にインタビューした時から何か変化はありましたか?


During our previous interview, you mentioned the art students you teach are not interested in pop-surrealism genre. May I know what they learn from you instead?

I teach character design and illustration to first-year art students. They are still learning the basics, so I mainly teach them how to generate new ideas and how to draw proportionally correct human body. Most of my students are still in their teenage years; so, they are more interested in video games, manga, and anime instead.



To you, what is the most important thing in this life?

It’s the kind of question that can be interpreted in many different ways. But, if I were to answer one of the interpretations, I would say: To never stop doing the things we like to do. In my experience, as long as I can keep on doing the things I love to do, I am happy. By continuing to do those things, I can improve my skills and my life.



What are the things you like to do in your free time?

I spend time with my family and friends. I have a young child and I often bring my child to the zoo, theme park, and ocean-side playground. It might seem as if I am just accompanying my children; but, actually, often, I have a lot of fun as well. And, the experience gives positive impact to my work, especially because child-likeness is the main essence of my works.




What’s your typical day like? Do you paint everyday? Do you have any specific working ritual?

I teach at an art school 1 or 2 days per week; but, I paint almost every day. I usually start painting around 3 am till mid-day without eating any solid food. I believe it makes my mind clearer; and, I find working with empty stomach increases creativity. But, I drink around a liter (33.8 fl oz) of smoothie and non-caffeine soy latte instead. I usually do chores and administrative after lunch.

I usually don’t listen to music when I work because – sometimes – music music affects my brain and makes me think my work looks cooler than it actually is. I usually feel disappointed because when I turn the music off, the painting looks terrible.

Other artists suggested that I should listen to Rakugo instead. Rakugo is a Japanese traditional comedy that was written a few hundred years ago. I find its tempo surprisingly great, and listening to it makes me happy. It’s rather addictive.






Two years ago, during our previous interview, you told me your favorite work thus far was “Fate in the Tail”. Do you still consider it one of your favorites?

These past two years, I paint a lot of dragons, mermaids, fantasy animals, and girl-like characters. At the moment, I like to paint Baku (Japanese spirits that devours dreams and nightmares). According to Japanese legend, after you wake up from a bad dream, if you say “Baku, eat my nightmare” three times, you will never dream the same nightmare again. Since no one has seen a Baku, no one knows how it looks like. It makes Baku a fun subject to paint.

I also like to paint half-human-half-animal characters (e.g. my latest work: “Deep Sea Angel”). I find creating new creatures interesting and I’d like to expand this series.

2年前のインタビューでは、一番気に入っている絵はFate in the Tailだとおっしゃていましたが、2年が経ち、好みの絵は変わりましたか?もし変わっていたのであれば、理由をお聞かせください。

この2年間はドラゴンや人魚など架空の動物や、少女のような様相のキャラクターが登場する絵を多く描きました。獏という悪夢を食べる架空の動物をモチーフにした「BAKU」をとても気に入っています。悪夢を見た後に「この夢を獏に食べさせます」と唱えると二度とその夢を見ないという言い伝えがあります。誰もその姿を見たことがないという獏を描くのはとても楽しかったです。人魚もそうですが、動物と人型の生き物を合体させたようなキャラクターも気に入っています。最新作の「DEEP SEA ANGEL」がそうです。新しい生き物を誕生させるのはとてもエキサイティングでした。今後もこのシリーズを増やしていきたいと思っています。

Would you tell me an interesting facts about yourself?

I have claustrophobia. I’m afraid elevators, fitting rooms, and eye masks.

And, when I work, I tend to forget everything around me. My family says they are raised by wolves. And, sometimes, they call me “mad scientists with failed experiments”




Will you tell me where we can see your works next?





















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