
Atrementum: Karen Hsiao, Dan Quintana, and Steve Diet Goedde @ Vanilla Gallery

Vanilla Gallery presents beautiful, sensuous, and elegant artworks of three Los-Angeles-based artists: Karen Hsiao, Dan Quintana, and Steve Diet Goedde. In their works, we see realities where the prosaic, the simulated, and the surreal are entangled; and with restraints, resistance, and defiance in their cores. Whether it’s a struggle against the restraints of the finiteness of life, one’s prescribed role in life, or one’s environment, none of these artists’ subject is lying down without a (silent) fight. And, she is doing this in spite of knowing she is in a no-win situation. Each one of them never stops reaching for the thing she desires even though she knows what she can grasp will never be enough.

ヴァニラ画廊はロサンゼルスを基盤に活動している3人のアーティスト: カレン・サイア、 ダン・キンタナ、 スーティブ・ダイエット・ゲディの美しく、刺激的かつ優雅な作品の展示会を行います。 彼らの作品の中に状況とは日常、ロールプレイとシューレアリズムが絡み合っていることを見ることができます。そして状況の中核に拘束、抵抗と反抗が存在しています。それは束縛された有限の命の抵抗であり、一人の人間の定められた役割であり、環境なのです。 どの作品の中の女性も勝てないと分かっていても抗っています。 そして彼女たちは手に入るものは十分でないと分かっていても、己の願いに届こうとしているのです。

「Atrementum」: Karen Hsiao, Dan Quintana, and Steve Diet Goedde


Exhibition Dates:
November 16 – 28, 2015

Admission Fee:
500 Yen

Vanilla Gallery

(New Gallery Exhibition Room A)
8-10-7 Ginza Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN

Karen Hsiao is a self-taught fine art photographer who started her career in the art industry as a figurative painter. Graduated from Art Center College of Design with a BFA in Illustration, she  has explored various art mediums and find photography a natural extension of her artistic endeavors. Her first book – Karen Hsiao: Rubber Duck – is a pictorial representation of the conscious and unconscious mind, starting from childhood, to adolescence, and death. Her latest book – Black Cherries – expresses subtle hints of lust and rebellion within bondage.

カレン・サイアArt Center College of Designイラストレーション科を卒業。卒業当初、カレンは比喩的な画家として活動していた。その後、様々な媒体を通じて、写真こそ自分が目指してきたアートの延長線上にあったことに気づき、独学で写真を学ぶ。彼女の初の写真集『RUBBER DUCK』は、意識と潜在意識を視覚的に表現。このシリーズは根源的なシンボルのラバー・ダックと共に幼年時代から始まり、青年期へと続き、 死で幕を閉じる。最新の写真集『Black Cherries』では、ボンデージの中で強い欲望と抵抗を示す何気ないヒントを表現している。

Karen Hsiao - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreKaren Hsiao - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreKaren Hsiao - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreKaren Hsiao - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarre

Karen Hsiao - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarre

Dan Quintana‘s works are the results of his ruminations on the power of life and the reality of death. Known for his macabre yet elegant works, the beautiful and decadent subjects of his paintings serve as constant reminders of the finiteness of life and exhortations to hold onto the beautiful aspects of life even though they are in constant processes of deterioration.


Dan Quintana - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreDan Quintana - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreDan Quintana - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreDan Quintana - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarre

Steve Diet Goedde is a fetish photographer who has been lauded as the Ansell Adams in the fetish world. This exhibition features his brand new works – the results of his first collaboration with sculptor Colin Christian – as well as several of his previous works. He celebrates his 25 years of photography in 2015 with a 3-volume book retrospective of his works entitled “ARRANGEMENTS”. The three volumes will be released over a 3-year period beginning in the fall of 2015.

スティーブ・ダイエット・ゲディはフェティッシュ界のアンセル・アダムスと呼ばれている。 今展示では立体作家のColin Christianコラボレーション作品を初披露する。そして過去の作品も展示される。 25年におよぶ彼の作品を回顧する3部構成の写真集「ARRANGEMENTS」を2015年から秋から3年間にわたって順次リリース予定。

Steve Diet Goedde x Colin Christian - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarre Genesis Levay by Steve Diet Goedde - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreUlorin Vex by Steve Diet Goedde - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarreYvette by Steve Diet Goedde - Atrementum @ Vanilla Gallery - via beautiful.bizarre



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